I was diagnosised with cancer and had my tubes removed just to turn around and have another blow with stage 4 liver failure. I’m in need of $100,000 by Aug 5th when I will be sent home. I have lots of medical bills to cover and Home care to cover and my husband as he will be taking some days off for me. This has been a lot for us to bare at this moment in time as insurance doesn’t cover everything we need. I have had 4 surgeries to help and I am getting scared for Chemo, please anything you can do to help I really appreicate it. you can donate at paypal.me/medical390
Badly need help for natural medicines treatments
Hi, thanks alot if you are able to help me with medical money. I appreciate it. except I dont know the amount of thousands or tens of thousands of dollars to try to ask for, cause i have many health problems, for decades, and I dont know how many treatments and which exact treatments it will take to hopefully get me to feeling better, and the nurse or doctor might not know either. i have alot better chance of getting better with natural medicines, then with drugs. because of how sick i am and hard to go to alot of doctor offices visits and because of my old blind dog who has bad separation anxiety, i am trying to get natural vitamin IV’s here at my home from this company website: www.mobileivmedics.com , except i would have to talk to their nurse if i could get money help and tell them about my health conditions and see which vitamin iv(s) they recommend for me, and see if they have any idea how many iv’s i would need or not, and i would have to pay them each time and get receipts and then i could send copies of the receipts to you somehow. and one other orthopedics doctor office of mine at www.sportsmedorthoinstitute.com , after they get a mri xray scan of my low back, and if they think that one of more healthy injections called platelet rich plasma might help my low back, then i could maybe use some money for that also, and i would have to ask them at the next appointment if that injection would maybe help any of my other pain problems also or not. so i dont know how this part works when requesting money help for natural medical treatments? and if you only give out a onetime amount? i havent been able to get money for natural medicine treatments, and all kinds of medical treatments are expensive. i hope i can type this long letter message, and i hope i can know when i get to at least 400 words. I am almost 62 years old, i am on disability. my health problems are pains and some arthritis and some stiffness in both shoulders and both hips and scalp and neck and low back and left hand and some numbness in my right foot and lower right leg. and bad depression and anxiety and fear, i have had some depression and some bad social anxiety since i was 5 years old, and nervous system disorder and insomnia and some memory trouble and some speech trouble and obsessive compulsive disorder when it comes to locking doors and turning off water faucets and turning off light switches and some dizziness and central pain syndrome, which is some damage somewhere in my nervous system and it sometimes gives me like a sunburn feeling on my body and upper arms and upper legs and neck. and keep battling against tooth and gum pains and stomach pain and one leg 3/4 of a inch shorter and low energy and low will power and some blurred vision and constant ringing in my ears and im skin and bones, my height is 6-1 and my weight is 149 pounds. everyday is hard to get through, alot of suffering for along time, and harder and harder for me to walk around alot and i get euthanasia thoughts dozens of times a day, and some days maybe more then a 100 times a day, im trying to hang in there, but it is very hard and getting harder. and if i cant get better, then will have more and more misery. and one and a half months ago a car hit me in my car, it was their fault, that person fell asleep while driving, so now my shoulders and hips and neck and back and scalp and insomnia and dizziness is worse, and so far im not feeling better yet from chiropractor treatments and some physical therapy. and its hard on me to go get alot or treatments at doctors office. and the driver who hit me didnt have car insurance, i could only afford liability insurance, so now i dont have a car to drive, cause my car isnt fixable. so my car insurance paid me $3,500 to find another car someday. these are the names of the prescription drugs the doctors have me on, meloxicam, and codeine #3, and gabapentin, and clonazepam, and baclofen, and omeprazole, and paxil, and cymbalta, and mirtazapine and trazodone. the doctors i get the medications from are dr syed in hesperia CA, and dr
atkins in victorville CA and dr loomba in victorville CA. im partly thankful for these man made drugs, but drugs mostly dont heal, they mostly just help with symptoms of health problems, and they can help some bad side effects, like some of the drugs i take make my depression worse and make my stomach hurt. and the longer a person is on drugs and the more different kinds of drugs they take and the older the person gets, then the more the drugs destroy a persons body and brain health, kind of like people who take alot of street drugs. they are toxic. i have had to take the prescription drugs for 41 and a half years now. if i could get quite a bit of natural medicine treatments, then hopefully i could at least cut down on the amount of drugs i would have to take. sadly the medical system discriminates against most of the natural alternative kinds of medicines and treatments. this hurts alot of people. i have tried several times in several years to get medical insurance to pay for natural medicines for me, so i can hopefully get healthier and feeling better and have a better quality of life, but they always say that there isnt any proof that it works, but they arent checking with the places that provide natural medicines to get the proof , like the natural medicine clinics and health food vitamin shops and natural medicine colleges and pharmacy(s) that provide natural medicines. and the government food and drug administration makes the vitamin companies say on their bottles that the vitamin supplements inside are not intended to cure any kind of health problem. there is no excuse to not also use and pay for all of the natural medicines and treatments that are available for people. it gives me some hope to try to keep trying and living, if i could get quite a bit of natural medicine treatments. they offer euthanasia for people who want it, that are suffering from deadly painful cancers. but they dont offer it for people who have my health problems, even though i am suffering alot also, especially timewise, for decades, and having both physical and mental conditions. its hard to get better without access to the right medicines and people who know about those medicines, like its hard to fix a car without the right car part and tools and someone who knows how to fix it. without better health this life seems longer and harder, and my family would like to see me healthier and happier. thanks alot if you are able to help me out. i appreciate it.
thanks. tom
Help to rebuild
My husband’s battle with throat cancer. Charlie was diagnosed with throat cancer 2 years ago. The initial shock left us reeling. He started his treatment straight away chemo and radiotherapy which completely wiped him out. He was so excited to finish his treatment but that’s when everything fell apart. The withdrawal completely distorted his body unable to work are financial state was getting into a right mess. We now have lost our home. I have never asked for help before but it has really taken its toll on me and now I’m asking for help to pay off the medical bills and start over. Charlie is in remission he’s doing Okey but it’s just going to take time for him to get back to the man he was or nearly.
help for my sister in Serbia
I’m asking for help to pay for my sister’s medical expenses and expenses related to living. I live in Germany while she lives in Serbia.
She is mentally ill, but with the help of her family, she has done well over the years. When my parents passed away, I had to handle the whole situation. I was happy to do it but can’t afford it since I lost my job.
I tried everything in Serbia, such as disability support, disability retirement, etc., but nothing worked. The system doesn’t seem very helpful. We will keep on trying.
My sister can still live alone but needs daily assistance. The caretaker is reliable and can provide and organize medical help. She cooks for her and ensures my sister also gets some physical activity. I would love to keep her!
Caretaker, inclusive of food, costs 500 EUR monthly. Bills for a place to live, power, heating, medical care, etc., range from 300 to 500 EUR monthly.
The situation is dire; therefore, I’m trying to raise money to keep helping her.
Thank you for your donations: paypal.me/dragami
Alzheimer’s care bill until Medicaid approved
My mom has Alzheimer’s dementia. She requires 24 hours of supervised care because she wakes at all times of night due to insomnia due to Alzheimer’s. Her care costs almost $40/hr- almost $3000 a week. I have taken all of the money out of my 401k, maxed out my credit cards and even my children’s college fund. Now my 18 year old son is ready for college and we can’t afford it. My brother has done the same thing for our mom. We are both working and having to put all our paycheck into paying her care bill. We promised we would not put her in a nursing home but we can’t afford that anyway. My dad died unexpectedly in his sleep and he was her caregiver. He left her $145,000 in insurance and that was used solely for her care and was gone after a year. We are in the application process for Medicaid to pay for her care but she has a difficult case and we must pay out of pocket while this process continues. My mom is in the middle class trap; too much money to be federally poor but not enough money to pay for her care. As a result, we have to establish what is called a state pooled plan trust to enable her to qualify for Medicaid. Her Medicaid application was over 300 pages of required documents and her caseworker said the earliest this process could be completed was the end of September 2023. We have been working on getting her approved for aid since the end of 2022!
My mom retired early from Southern New England Telephone Company to open her home day care center. She and my dad opened a school together. They loved children and helping people. They opened a church and were pillars of the community providing support to many. Now my dad is gone and my mother has advanced Alzheimer’s dementia. We love her and want to honor our promise to her that we would allow her to remain in her home. When she got the diagnosis, she was terrified of being placed in a nursing home, because her siblings had placed her mother in a nursing home, and the outcome was not pleasant. We promised her we would not do that to her, and we are trying to keep that promise we have tapped into every financial resource we have we have exhausted all of our own funds in order to keep that promise. We don’t know how to make it for three more months and are asking for any assistance. We have placed our PayPal link at the bottom, but if you would like to pay directly to her home care agency, that information is in the picture.
Thank you in advance for your assistance. We believe that you will receive a return on your giving as we are firm believers that God, karma, life or whatever higher power you subscribe to will reward your kind acts.
Medical Bills for My Grandson with Scoliosis
Hello, My name is CJ and I am the proud Grandmother of a very special young man and his name is Caleb. Caleb has been diagnosed with scoliosis of his Sternum and is fixing to have numerous procedures done at Children’s Hospital. I am coming to everyone asking for help getting him back and forth to these procedures I live about 40 miles away and have a half-decent vehicle to get him there. Caleb is 14 years old and has been having serious chest pains since he was 12 years old, the doctors did a lot of EKG’s thinking something was wrong with his heart but come to find out that was not the case. His sternum is growing toward his heart causing these pains. His medical insurance is only going to be able to pay for so many visits to the doctor and the Orthopedic Surgeons and some of his medications and braces he is going to have to have after he has surgery as soon as the doctors feel that he is strong enough to go through with the surgery. I was told that this surgery may straighten up this sternum so it will no longer grow toward his heart or it might not and he might have to have further surgeries down the road. I am a single grandmother on disability and raising a 10-year-old young man and Caleb who is now 14 as of a month ago. This scoliosis has made Caleb feel ugly as he says and is embarrassed about his looks. He loves basketball and wants to play on a team so badly but due to his scoliosis, he is unable to. So if you could find it in your heart to help this family out by any means convenient to you we would so deeply appreciate it. I am not one to usually ask for help but when it comes to my kids this is not an option that I will ignore. Thank You So Much and May God Bless you and yours. https://paypal.me/CJ0707?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US
Please assist my sick mother
Good evening everyone, please I need some assistance to help my sick mother to buy his medicines
My mother has be sick with kidney problem for the past 3 years , i have be the only one taking care of her. Please A little donation can go a long way in her treatment. I don’t want to loose my mother, she is all I have , help me to save her life please.
I pray as you all help me, May God refilled you
Help needed to pay for Doctor’s visit
Hi, I’m politely asking for a donation of $3,500 in order to schedule a doctor’s visit, which I am unable to afford myself because I am unemployed. In 2021, my mother travelled. She visited me when she returned, and since then have had adverse effects resulting from vaccine shedding. I have been experiencing very heavy menses with huge blood clots for a longer than usual length of time, sometimes occurring a week apart.

Liver Failure
Hello all, my name is Amy. My husband recently got diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver a few months back and awaiting a liver transplant. We have one child at home age 12 and I work full time. My husband has been unable to work since being diagnosed . I have begun the process of applying for disability for him but informed that it’s a lengthy process. In the meantime bill are piling up and my rent was due yesterday and my check can’t pay the full amount ($1800.00) so I am asking if there is anyone one that can help before we get evicted. I have applied for resources and still waiting. Meanwhile I’ve used up all my saving to make ends meet
Hallo everyone
I m young disabled person since 2012 i have disability in my hands,doctors gave me some medicine by misstake and it attack my ligaments,i was brave and learnt how to type even with a pain that i have every day.I was trying to find some job on internet so i can pay my tretmants and therapies for hands which could make my life much easier but i was scammed two times and i dont know what to do now i found this page and i want to beg for help.I live alone renting appartment i m getting small help from state but isnt enought even for the bills and food,i dont have any help on a side all people that i know have own problems and kids and thats why i came here.If i go to therapies at least once a week i will not be in cramps and pain and i can serve myself.But that costs a lot i cant afford it.I m well educated person because when i had first hips surgery i couldnt walk for four years and i studied.If someone has some job for me i can be of big help and work too couse i really want to live more normal than i do now😔😔😔 Please help i know there are good people here and thank you so much i m going to pray for each person who made my life easier may God always keep you safe🙏🏻❤
Retired to early due to medical issues
I was forced into retirement due to stress from wife’s hospital stay, work load and a heart attack. My company no longer wanted me, so I was proved 3 months’ pay and the company would continue my insurance coverage for 3 months.
This is only the beginning of my story.
My heart doctor installed one stent before he stopped after finding an issue from a former car accident that required me to undergo open heart surgery to repair that old issue and have a double bypass to complete the heart issues.
The great news was my heart was fixed and my wife was improving plus my severance insurance provided from the company I had worked at for so many years covered the very large cost of hospital bills.
The good news didn’t last long, recovery was very hard and painful and 2 months into my recovery I was informed the house I was renting was to be sold and I had a month to move. Somewhere in the middle of this housing dilemma I was informed the old company insurance that had paid my medical bill was no longer considered the primary insurance, so they “recovered” (took back) all payments. This was due to a new insurance law that went into effect that year saying, “if you’re eligible for Medicare they would not be the primary insurance, Medicare was”. Oh yes, I turned 65 the age to be considered eligible for Medicare just before my surgery and had no knowledge of the “new” law and had no reason to think my medical bills would not be covered . . . in fact they were covered.
So now during my move to new housing I was asking the hospitals and medical providers to help me. After many months some of the medical bills put me in poverty and forgave me some of the expenses. I have had to return to work just to make ends meet and continuing to pay the remaining medical bills. After working hard my entire life I would never believe I would be writing a story like this for the world to see, but I am now recovering from losing a kidney due to cancer and have to go back to work part time work at minimum wage just to make ends meet. I’m here with my hat in my hand
PayPal is “rob12369foru@gmail.com”
I would like to see to regain my independence.
I fell and was seriously injured by my fall. I have a host of health issues that came with my fall, but my biggest issues right now are to see again with cataract removal and my teeth need to be removed after I broke my dental bridge during the fall. To get started would be my eye surgery so that I can drive again. This surgery with all that needs to be paid is $6000.00. This covers the surgery, doctor’s fee, anesthesiologist, the medications before and after surgery, and a new pair of glasses once I have healed. I am not asking for perfect vision, but just to be able to see and drive again. I have been declined for assistance because of my income level, however, that money that they are counting is already taken. Once I am healed with my eyes then I can continue on with my dental work. Currently, I am using a magnifier screen to type and read from at 90%, so it does take a while to complete online tasks or to read.
Unable to get medical treatment and behind on bills
Since the beginning of 2022, I almost lost my life to COVID. Having COVID gave me multiple blood clots in my lungs that almost reached my heart. Only half of my heart was functioning at the time of my recovery. One of my cousins was having trouble finding a place to stay so she asked me if I could let her stay with me. I didn’t know what I was getting myself in to but now that I know, I never want to go through it again. I went through hell with my cousin staying with me. She was only supposed to stay a couple weeks that was allowed for any guests that I had. She took it upon herself to stay as long as she could. I’ve asked her to leave numerous times because she wasn’t helping me pay any bills or with rent. The couple weeks ended up turning into months and then a whole year and 3 months. I ended up having to evict her because she was giving me excuse after excuse as to why she couldn’t leave. She made a scene when I told her she had to leave and yet again, she calls the police and this time they were on my side. The judge granted me to remove her things from my apartment if she doesn’t leave. It was very stressful the day she finally left my apartment. But it’s been months since she’s been gone and I’ve been struggling even more to pay my bills that she let go up. My rent had went up from a renewal, my medical bills are in the thousands that I can’t afford to pay. I have to take prescription blood thinners for the entirety of my life as well as other prescription meds and they are expensive pills. I also have sciatic nerve pain and degenerative disc disease in my lower back. I was supposed to have surgery but since I’m unable to pay previous medical bills, I had to put it on hold. There’s so much going on in my life that I wish I could just start over and start a new life. From being abused as a child to mental illness ruining my adult life. $50,000 would really get rid of most of my debt but I don’t want to seem greedy so I won’t ask for that much. I’ll just take whatever can be given. Thanks in advance to whoever sends me money and God bless you.
PayPal me: 4evacbreezy
Need help to pay for Medical Bills incurred on my Premature Triplet Babies at the NICU
My name is Oke, my wife recently went into labor at 26 weeks and we had to rush her for an emergency C-Section. She delivered the Triplet babies and they have been in the NICU for over 2 months. Since my wife is a Nigerian my health insurance couldn’t cover her and the babies, and so I had to start paying the medical bills out of pocket. I have only one source of income and it barely covers my monthly expenses. The hospital has been billing us per day and per baby, the bill is really piling up and I don’t have any expectation on where to get money from to settle this bill. I have been borrowing money from friends to get the situation under control financially, but I still have so much to pay.
Since my wife just undergo emergency medical surgery, and she needed me to support her and the babies in the NICU, I had to travel back to support and this cost me to be out of work for over 2 months, then our situation got even worse because my income drastically reduced, we needed to survive, I needed to still pay my rent, utilities and the hospital bills keeps going up.
The babies were discharged after spending almost 3 months at the NICU and we lost one of them during the process. We agreed to pay all our debt within 2 months after discharge otherwise they wouldn’t have discharged the babies and the hospital will continue to add to our bills as we are struggling to look for a way out.
Now I am back to the States and it have been a hell for me to survive. I am really struggling paying my rent, friends have been hurrying me to pay back the money I borrowed from then, hospital is expecting me to pay the bills incurred and my family is looking at me for survival since my wife can’t work at the moment.
I am using this opportunity to seek financial assistance to cover all the $55,000 debt so that my life can be meaningful again. I have started working again but there is so much financial pressure on me to fulfil within short period of time. Thanks in advance as you help.
My paypal.me account is: paypal.me/vo4real
Alternative Therapy for Metastatic Breast Cancer
I was recently diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer and I’m unable to work to maintain my bills. My uncolleges aren’t very optimistic about getting rid of the cancer because it spread pretty far including my liver which is key in recovery from kimo period I am and I need to raise money for alternative therapy in the amount of $40000 period I strongly believe the alternative treatments can help get me back to optimal health where I can least work and take care of my children efficiently. More detail of my story is below.
Meet Bianca, a 37-year-old mother of 2 young boys. On March 15th 2023, she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer, after finally recognizing a lump in her breast, and being misdiagnosed and tested for everything from thyroid disease to auto-immune issues; even being forced to stop working at a well-known corporation with great health insurance, due to her symptoms. So, in addition to fighting for her life, she is now facing issues with adequate health insurance to cover the medical care that she desperately needs. In fact, to date she is still not fully diagnosed, nor has she been able to begin treatment after 4 months of testing.
Bianca was finally able to find a doctor that would accept her Medicaid Insurance, but due to the delay in treatment, the prognosis has changed, thus so has the treatment plan. Treatment options have gone from double-mastectomy to taking Chemo pills in an effort to prolong life and slow the spread of the cancer.
As she does her best to cope with this life changing news, on the SAME DAY Bianca was diagnosed, her mother and a huge part of her support system, suffered a massive brain bleed and had to undergo emergency brain surgery. She has been in a coma since that day and has no knowledge of Bianca’s diagnosis.
We are asking to raise $75,000 to assist Bianca and children. These funds will assist with her family’s immediate needs; now that she is unable to work, and her medical care. Even with her limited financial resources, she has begun to explore alternative natural solutions (e.i., fasting, herbs, supplements, etc.) that have proven to make her feel better. However, these methods are not covered by insurance and are very expensive.
We are believers in God and his miracles, and will continue to pray for his supernatural power of healing.
The family would like to thank you in advance for your generous contributions.
Happy giving and God bless.
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