Hi my name is Angela Norwood I need help to pay for access and acceptance fee for a grant that was to expand my online businesses. The grant is a SBA business Grant. I had made a mistake of giving them the wrong bank account. They have strict rules of not making any mistakes. So I had to pay another access and acceptance fee, a fine for $1500 and a mandatory bank access fee of $1000 for the mistake that was made I ended up getting a loan and drained my credit card to pay for these fees. I had an agent (grant writer) who told me about this grant that can help me expand my online business help me pay for these fees but instead of paying for the access and acceptance fee that was required she tweaked the account that skipped the access and acceptance fees she took the $1000 that I sent her and the only payments that was made was the fine of $500 and bank access fee $1000. My funding is on hold until I pay the access fee and acceptance fee of $1500. I am in a rut and struggling to get back to where I was financially. I have talked directly to SBA and they have sent a complaint of my situation. As soon as I pay for the acceptance and access fee they will release a new Schedule of my disbursement. Can someone help me so I can continue expanding my online business.
Angela Norwood
Cash app link $Gem100k