Good Evening, I am from a very poor third world country, Dominica. Every single day is a predicament. I’m really hanging unto my last straw. The crime and suicide rate is really high. I am trying my best to be strong but I really don’t know what to do. I am tired of struggling. I completed a pre med programme two years ago. I want to get into nursing school but I have absolutely no money. I am currently unemployed. The cost of living is so high in Dominica and monthly salaries are next to nothing. I’m also an asthmatic and for years I have been desperately trying to save up money to travel to the neighboring Islands(Guadeloupe or Martinique) to check up on my lungs. I have chest and upper back pains everyday but I honestly try to ignore the pains, because I don’t have the money to travel to the doctor yet. An estimated total of the amount i would need is 10,000 Euros, but i will gratefully accept anything. Dominica’s health care system is below ground level. It is really terrible. The country and healthcare is really poor.
It is so hard to find employment here.
I was hit in a hit-and-run accident and had to have a hip replaced, knee replaced & shoulder replaced. I’m on disability and can not afford to pay these bills. Can you please have people try to help me? Thank you
Total Hip Replacement: AUS