My name is Ebony, I’m currently a Uni student, I’m 21 and I’m seeking help, to help my mom. We’re from Roatan Honduras. My mother sells souvenirs to tourist to help support me and my sisters in school and in doing so she has been going through a lot of difficulties with her home and health. Her bathroom constantly is clogged and flooded due to the sewage being messed up, her ceiling leaks a lot due to the rooftop zink being very rotten and old, parts of the kitchen is moldy, barely any running water due to issues with pipes and all…. and honestly I can go on and on.
My mom isn’t the type of person to come online to ask or better say bother anyone because even thou she has so many problems financially, and also medically; she feels as thou there’s far more people struggling that needs help more than she does. But I want her to also understand she is apart of those many people who is struggling as well. My sisters and don’t work due to the fact that no one hires young people without a degree… My mom is diabetic, slowly it has progressed to where her medication (that she can’t even afford) isn’t helping as they should.
I’m hoping if it’s in God’s plans that this message go out to any and everyone that can help my mom the way I wish and thrive that me and my sisters could. Please if it’s in your hearts to reach out and give a helping hand to someone who is sinking in desperate need, I would greatly be forever thankful and beyond grateful. I don’t want to ask for a specific amount, whatever your heart brings you to give is more than helpful. My sisters and I sort of calculated her medical, doctor expenses and house expenses would be and we came to a total of $13,000. Like I said we’re not asking for you to give that significant amount but if you could help us to get to it, it would be greatly appreciated and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Paypal link: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/toastysunday