- Hi, I’m 20 years old right now, i moved from Mexico to CA, in born here but i never lived here since now, everything was going good a good job on fast food, i got my first car. Until i crashed my car, it was still working so I just continued driving it. 5 months ago i got into another accident, i got injured from that on my leg, i had to go to the hospital with no insurance, i have a pending bill right now. And my car doesn’t have airbags but I don’t have money for another one, im just living paycheck to paycheck, im gonna start a new job and school soon, but i can’t keep driving that car, it’s dangerous.
if anyone can help me i would really appreciate it, god bless everyone.
my cashapp is $kmacsgt
Urgent Help Needed for Overcoming Financial Hardship
I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Roman, and I am originally from India. I am currently residing in London with my family. I came to the UK to pursue higher education, and after completing my studies, I have been diligently searching for a job. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, I have not received any job offers.
In the meantime, I joined a club as a Venue Support staff member and have recently been promoted to Deputy Manager. However, I have not received a pay rise for this position and continue to earn below the minimum wage. My visa is set to expire at the end of February, and I am desperately trying to renew it to continue living here, as my daughter is attending school in London and we have no support system back in India.
In an attempt to secure the necessary funds for my visa renewal, which amounts to approximately £20,000, I turned to gambling, hoping to earn extra money for my family. Unfortunately, I have lost £6,000 and am now in debt. I am unable to share this burden with my wife, as I do not want to cause her distress or jeopardize our relationship.
I have explored various avenues to gather the required funds but have been unsuccessful. The pressure has become overwhelming, and I have even contemplated ending my life. However, I realize that my wife and daughter would be left alone and without means to survive if I were to take such a step.
I am writing to you with a humble request for assistance. If you could find it in your heart to lend me £6,000, it would allow me to restart my life and take care of my family. I feel so ashamed to ask for this, but I am left with no other option. Please know that I am committed to repaying the money, and I can arrange to do so in monthly installments.
This is my last hope, and I am sincerely grateful for any help you can provide. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. Your kindness and generosity would mean the world to me and my family.
Below is my paypal account: https://paypal.me/romancharles1988?country.x=GB&locale.x=en_GB
Please Help a Father Overcome Debt and Rebuild Stability for His Daughter
Dear Kind Souls,
I am ashamed but I am writing to humbly ask for your help during one of the most difficult times of my life. I am a father to a wonderful 9-year-old girl, and I am drowning in debt of €50,000. This debt stems from years of trying to provide for my family while enduring challenging circumstances that have left me in a state of despair.
For years, I worked tirelessly in a job that caused me immense stress and depression. I eventually had to leave due to workplace bullying, and my mental health has since deteriorated into a degenerative condition. Despite my pleas, my former employers refused to let me transfer to a location closer to my wife and daughter. As a result, I lived 1,000 kilometers away from them, only seeing my daughter twice a month. This separation took a toll on both of us, and she too had to seek help from a child psychiatrist.
In an effort to stay connected to my family, I made financial commitments that I could sustain while employed. However, after losing my stable job, I’ve struggled to find consistent work. I take seasonal jobs, such as waiting tables in the summer, but it is not enough to cover my debts, support my family, or secure a stable future for my daughter.
I am sharing my story with humility and hope, knowing there are compassionate people out there who understand the weight of being a parent and the desire to give your child a better life. Your generosity could help me overcome this debt, focus on my health, and rebuild a life where I can provide the stability and care my daughter deserves.
Any donation, no matter how small, would mean the world to us. Thank you for taking the time to read my story and for considering helping me and my family.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Desperate help needed
My name is Felieca Jones, I am asking for help with my car note. I was in a car accident (not at fault) back on December 16, 2022, and have falling behind in my car payment. I am currently still under the doctor’s care; the accident has caused me to undergo 3 surgeries. Cervical Fusion, Lumbar Fusion, and hand surgery. I have been unable to work due to this accident and have applied for disability but it’s still under review by the Social Security Disability Office. I’m at risk of losing my car. I owe something like 2500.00 to pay car off and I’m so close to paying the car off it really would be a heart braker to lose the car now with owing so little. I’m asking for help with this situation.
Please and Thank you Kindly in advance.
Felieca Jones
Struggling to Keep My Family Safe and Warm: A Cry for Help After Job Loss and Caregiving Challenges
My wife and I are struggling to keep everything together after losing my job on December 2nd, 2024. As a primary caregiver for my mom, who has Alzheimer’s, and my brother, who had a heart attack, I carry the weight of ensuring their health and well-being every day. We all live together, and it’s becoming overwhelming. We are facing mounting bills, and I can’t afford to pay for the electric bill needed to heat our home, especially with both the AC and heat units needing replacement. To make matters worse, we can’t cover the upcoming mortgage, and I don’t know how we’re going to get through. I never imagined I would be in this position, but the financial burden is too much for us to bear alone. We are in desperate need of help to keep a roof over our heads and maintain our daily needs. Kind people please help if you can, and when I get back on my feet I will be doing the same to help others in need. Thank you
Urgent Request for Assistance to Restore Electricity
I am writing to request immediate assistance in having my electricity restored. I am a hardworking parent of four children, aged 13, 10, 9, and 8. Recently, I have faced significant financial challenges, and as a result, my electricity has been shut off. I have just started a new job, and although I am doing everything I can to catch up on bills, I find myself in a desperate situation. Without power, my family is struggling to stay warm, feed ourselves, and maintain basic hygiene, and I am reaching out for help to ensure my children’s well-being.
First and foremost, the cold weather makes it impossible for us to stay comfortable or safe without electricity. With winter in full swing, the temperatures are dropping, and my children and I are unable to keep warm. We cannot afford to heat the house without power, and the cold is starting to take a toll on our health. As a parent, my top priority is ensuring my children are not exposed to dangerous conditions that could lead to illnesses like colds or respiratory infections. Without power, we are also unable to use essential appliances like space heaters or even cook a proper meal.
My children’s emotional and physical well-being is at stake. They need a safe, warm environment to grow and thrive. The lack of electricity impacts everything from their ability to complete schoolwork to being able to unwind after a long day. Without lights, they struggle to focus on homework, and we cannot afford to have them engaged in educational activities the way they should. The absence of electricity also means we cannot provide them with the comforts and safety they need, such as charging devices for communication or entertainment.
As a family of four, we are doing everything we can to make ends meet. I’ve just started a job, and my income is slowly helping us catch up on bills. However, the lack of power is preventing us from functioning as a family and is affecting our ability to maintain a sense of normalcy. We need electricity for cooking, for staying warm, and for providing a secure, stable environment for my children. Restoring our electricity would not just be about having power—it would be about giving us a chance to rebuild, provide for our family, and make sure my kids have a safe place to grow up.
I kindly ask for any assistance or consideration to help get our power turned back on as soon as possible. The amount needed is 1021.00 dollars. Thank you for your time and understanding.
Payment can be made directly to account or cash app @ $JVVT31
PEASE, We need help. We are a family of three females. Two of whom have mental challenges. One worse than the other. I am 60, on a fixed income trying to start a business. One of my nieces decided to live with me and help, but she was just illegally wrote out of her job because they don’t want to pay her workers comp. She is about to lose her car. Our only form of transportation. Yes, we are seeking a Lawyer, but I don’t know how we are going to pay them.
My niece got hurt on the job. She had to stay off for a few days. They were calling her telling her if she did not come to work that she was going to get fired. Well she could not go because she was in pain. When she went back, they were making the job so unbearable for her that she used up her PTO for a peace of mind. During this time, they wrote her out of the schedule.
Why we are alone: Everybody wants a perfect family. No one wants to help repair or take care of a broken one. So they, just don’t give you a chance. Mostly in romance and no one wants their family broken beyond repair. I am hanging on by a thread. I can’t let it break. Please help.
I stayed with my nieces because I knew they needed me and I needed them. I am so happy I did not listen to these idiots who tried to get me to put them in foster care. I made many mistakes, but I own them.
We need help, please.
Paypal: @lovelyhershy
Cash App: @lovelypurpleankh
Family Knocked down by medical emergency, need help getting up please. PayPal @biggtyme35 cash app $ChurchBoi36 chime $ChurchBoi36
Hello my name is Elijah. My wife son and I have hit some very rough times due to my health. My son (19 years old ) has given up his willing to go to college to be here with my wife and I to support by working instead of going to school. Last year I had to have emergency surgery after my heart stopped to get a pacemaker/defibrillator. It caused us to loose our home and both our cars. We stayed in a shelter for 6 months and now we are staying in a hotel room and some nights we sleep in our car cause we don’t have the money for our room to pay. Our local shelter is full and now being I have this device in my chess I’m a liability cause I also have sickle cell anemia along with an aneurism on my aeorta. So I can’t work. My wife and son work hard but we need help so we can get back in a home and we will be able to start getting ahead. My son has to catch uber to work everyday and my mother n law lent us a car that we can’t Even afford gas for my wife to get to work. Inspite of my health we still try to stay positive and encourage others with me tryna tell my story through music clips I record in the car or in the bathroom. I was given 6 months to live . We are tryna do everything we can to survive. We just need help getting up please. My PayPal is @biggtyme35 our cash app is $ChurchBoi36 our chime is $ChurchBoi36. My story has been posted on YouTube . So if you would like to see it for yourself please email me and I’ll send you the link to our story . Thanks and God bless my email if you would like to contact me mrbiggs36@icloud.com
Eviction warning: financial hardship due to Unemployment
I haven’t worked since August 22, 2024. After filing for unemployment benefits and following the claim process each week, which requires you to apply for a minimum of 3 jobs each week, I was denied. I applied for food stamps in September, and still have not received the EBT card. I don’t know if someone is stealing my mail because some of the locks apartment mailboxes(mine being one of them) are broken or if there’s another reason.
After applying for jobs weekly for several months, I’m still unemployed, but recently received notification about substitute teaching which was great news, but I won’t receive payment from the jobs that I accept for a while since this school system only pays once a month and I have to be out on the payroll. I don’t understand why the companies selected other candidates over me because I’m more than qualified and have the skill for the jobs that I applied to. It’s very discouraging and depressing. This has caused tension in my home with my husband who finally got hired part time at a second job to try to keep us afloat. However, it’s not enough. Throughout this time, we haven’t been able to pay our rent, other than one payment when I received the last check from my job. We have received notice that the eviction process will start if we don’t pay $3500 this month. We were already one month behind before losing my job. Now, it’s three months as of December 2024. I tried to get assistance through local agencies and have applied for loans, but was denied due to poor credit. The local agencies I spoke with told me that they were out of funds and the other agencies said that we didn’t qualify.
Our apartment is all electric and we’re now 3 months behind on payment. We received a disconnect notice if $2610.96 not paid by January 27th. By the grace of God, it hasn’t been disconnected yet, but we just don’t have that kind of money to pay. My husband paid $200 his last paycheck, and that left is with about $80 in the bank. I’ve searched online and contacted local offices who offer assistance with utilities and was told that they were out of funds and that our bill was too high and that we didn’t qualify because the bill exceeded the amount.
We also have a phone bill that was disconnected so my husband had to use most of his check to get them turned back on. Our car note is almost two months behind now and facing repossession if at least one past due payment is not made this month.
My husband has to prioritize which bill to pay when he gets paid to make sure we have something left for groceries,gas, and basic household needs, let alone our children’s needs. We weren’t able to get the items on their Christmas list. My 3rd son who just keeps growing and growing so fast, doesn’t even have a winter coat because the one he had was too tight and we couldn’t afford to get him a new one.
It’s just a build up of bills and frustration for us, and our children have started asking us why they can’t have the things they ask for or go places, and sadly we have to be honest and tell them that we can’t afford it right now. We don’t want to lose our home or our car and definitely need electricity to stay warm. Please help us catch up so this won’t happen. Thank you and God bless you.
Help Me Start Fresh in 2025
Hi everyone,
I’m reaching out to share my story and ask for a little help. Three years ago, I was diagnosed with ADHD, which has impacted many areas of my life, including managing money. I’m now working with a financial advisor to turn things around, but I’m carrying $10,000 in debt that’s holding me back from starting fresh.
I’m doing my best to make progress, but with my current income, it’s been tough to get ahead. Paying off this debt would give me a clean slate and allow me to focus on building a better financial future.
Your support would mean the world to me. Whether it’s a donation, advice, or even sharing this with others, anything helps.
Ways to Donate:
PayPal: https://paypal.me/ashleyrobarts5?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US
Cash App: https://cash.app/$ashleyrenee0905
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I’m incredibly grateful for any help you can offer.
Facing Financial Struggles—Any Help is a Blessing”
I never thought I would find myself in this position, but life has thrown one challenge after another at my family, leaving me with no choice but to humbly ask for help.
My husband, a carpenter for 21 years, suffered two major heart attacks during the COVID pandemic. His health forced him to leave the job he loved, and despite his best efforts to apply for disability and find work, nothing has come through. Every application is met with rejection, and the jobs he’s managed to secure haven’t lasted long.
This left me as the sole breadwinner. After working at the same job for 22 years, I switched to a higher-paying role in an effort to make ends meet. For a while, it worked—but within a couple of years, I was struggling again. To stay afloat, I refinanced our home at a higher interest rate, which gave me some temporary relief. That money helped cover medical bills and everyday expenses, but eventually, it ran out.
I then turned to credit cards and personal loans to bridge the gap, but as time has gone by, the debt has spiraled out of control. Now, I feel like I’m drowning. I live in constant fear of losing my home. My bank account is always negative, and I’ve lost so many nights of sleep worrying about what the future holds for my family.
I’m doing everything I can to keep going, but the weight of this financial burden has become unbearable. That’s why I’m reaching out to the kindness of strangers, hoping that someone might find it in their heart to help me through this incredibly difficult time.
Any amount, no matter how small, would mean the world to me and my family. Your generosity could help us find some stability and begin to rebuild our lives.
If you’re able to help, my CashApp is $Tdeltoro1. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking the time to read my story. Your support, prayers, and kindness are deeply appreciated.
Desperate Plea for Help with My Electric Bill
I am writing to you today with a heart full of worry and desperation. My name is [Your Name], and I am a grandmother who is trying my very best to provide a loving home for my two young grandsons, aged 8 and 6, as well as a one-year-old child I am caring for, who belongs to a close friend. I am reaching out to you because I am struggling to make ends meet, and I find myself in an unimaginable position.
I am living on a fixed income through disability, which barely covers the basics of life. Despite my best efforts, I am falling behind on a utility bill that has grown far beyond what I can manage. My electric bill has now reached nearly $1300, and I have no way to pay it. The stress and anxiety of this situation have taken a toll on my health and well-being. I’m doing everything I can to keep a roof over my grandchildren’s heads, to make sure they are fed, clothed, and safe, but I feel like I’m drowning under this mountain of debt.
Every day is a struggle. I want nothing more than to give my grandsons a stable, happy life, but the burden of trying to pay for necessities like electricity has me at my breaking point. I can’t let them suffer because of my circumstances, but I feel like I’m out of options. If the electric bill isn’t paid soon, I fear that our lights will be turned off, and I can’t bear the thought of my grandkids facing that.
I am asking for your help, not for myself, but for my precious grandchildren who rely on me. If you can find it in your heart to assist me in paying this bill, I promise I will do everything in my power to pay it back over time. I am doing my best to raise these children with love and care, but I am in desperate need of help right now. My pride has been stripped away, and I am humbly asking for any assistance you can offer, no matter how small.
Please, I am desperate. The thought of not being able to care for these children breaks my heart. I am simply trying to keep a safe home for them, but I can’t do it alone anymore. Please help us no matter how small the amount, every penny will help.
Jessica C.
southern Illinois
CASHAPP: $JessieNicole1973
Hi, Benefactors and Kind-Hearted Donors,
The box I’m typing in doesn’t seem to accept supplementary documents. I have a few pictures and a small budget that you’ll want to see while evaluating my crucial request. The money is not for me but to protect elementary school students from direct physical harm and psychological trauma on a daily basis. No, it’s not that dark, but it is very serious. The impact on young children is probably not intentional, but it is nevertheless harmful. To fully explain the situation, I have put in Google Drive a description and a 2-minute film of the conditions small children face while walking to school each day. Please click on the link even without reading below because the details are there. Your choice. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1K_fh5JvqA1pUIYjaUqW1LlKFYN9udsE1?usp=drive_link
The synopsis is that there is a mile-long road. A reputable elementary school sits about halfway along the road. The roadway has a publicly owned, paved sidewalk that many children use to walk to school. Most children are 5-9 years old and stand 3 to 5 feet tall. At one end of the roadway is a well-to-do community. At the other end is a ghetto. The wealthy end showcases a pristine sidewalk, decorated with hand-painted Disney cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse, etc. It is protected by a 3-foot guardrail all the way to the school. There is no brush or thickets to obstruct the children’s travel. It’s like walking in a fairytale.
On the opposite end of the roadway, the sidewalk is perennially covered by 6 to 8-foot tall foliage, thickets, and uncontrolled bushes with heavy thorns. The bushes grow wild on the left and right sides of the sidewalk. The overgrowth houses dead dogs, abandoned washers, stoves, truck tires, Poison Ivy, and Japanese knotweed that dominates all it touches. It grows up walls, utility poles, and across the floor of the sidewalk. The height and thickness of the bush prevent children from seeing out or the public from seeing into where the children walk. This is dangerous and provides optimum opportunity for predators. The sidewalk is narrow so the bushes on either side grow together causing the sidewalk to be impassable in most places, forcing the tiny children to walk in the streets and navigate speeding taxis. No guardrails are present on the poor end of the sidewalk. And of course, no professional artist has adorned the sidewalk with Popeye and his friends. Besides the multifaceted dangers and inconveniences to the little ones, they suffer psychological damage from knowing their more fortunate classmates have beautiful sidewalks, while the poorer children must tread through jungle-like conditions to reach the same school. Is this subtle racism or overt classism, or both? Regardless, these conditions are tantamount to systemic child abuse; and result in life-long psychological damage, mental anguish, stigmatization, and a devaluation of a child’s worth. Moreover, it is almost impossible to overcome.
Two years ago, I became so moved by the dramatically different conditions that I picked up a stick and started to beat down the bushes step by step. After 3 weeks, I saved enough money to buy a machete. That helped a lot! One man and one machete are no match for 6-foot-high bushes along a mile-long road. The brush grows back thicker and taller than I can chop it down. I volunteered to do this and paid all my expenses for 2 years. I need some basic equipment, such as a weed trimmer, to lighten my load and speed things along. I want to move beyond the “chopping” faze and into the “maintenance” faze, which is the only long-term solution. The government probably has higher priorities. But the safety of children can never wait. I need your help. The children and I will thank you and the world will remember you. Please donate.
My PayPal is:
PayPal: paypal.me/inetventurez2
Email: tingawk@gmail.com [In case anything goes wrong with the PayPal link. (Sorry, but I’m new at this.)]
Homeless with Immediate housing Needs.
Sure, Ray. Here’s a heartfelt statement for your crowdfunding campaign:
**Support Ray Schneider in Overcoming Homelessness**
Hello, my name is Ray Schneider, and I’m reaching out to you in a time of immense need. My journey has been fraught with challenges, but I have always strived to rise above them and build a better life. Today, I find myself in dire straits and am humbly asking for your support.
I am 40 years old and have a past that I am not proud of. In my younger years, I made poor decisions that resulted in a criminal record with 21 felony charges. However, for many years now, I have been drug-free and have committed no further offenses. I have worked tirelessly to turn my life around.
After my turbulent youth, I moved to Oklahoma, where I met my wife, and we started a new chapter together. I established a successful oilfield staffing firm, owning 100% of the business. Through hard work and dedication, I was able to create a thriving company and provide for my family. Unfortunately, my life took an unexpected turn when my wife filed for divorce while I was out of state for work. This unforeseen event left me shattered and caused me to lose everything I had built.
In my efforts to rebuild my life, I moved back to Washington State. However, fate struck again when I was rear-ended by a big rig semi traveling at 80mph in a 60mph zone. The accident destroyed the remaining property I had and left me with severe nerve damage, requiring two surgeries on both wrists. This series of unfortunate events has left me homeless and struggling to find stability.
I am determined to overcome these obstacles, but I cannot do it alone. I am humbly asking for your financial support to help me get back on my feet. Your generous contributions will go towards securing stable housing, covering medical expenses, and providing the basic necessities as I work towards rebuilding my life.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Your kindness and support mean the world to me. Together, we can make a difference and help me find a path to stability and hope.
With gratitude,
Ray Schneider
Urgent Funding for Living Expenses $15,000.00
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