Hello, I am currently asking for help. I am not the type of person who usually asks for help. I am usually the person who helps. I’ve always had to do things myself my whole life. Never had any handouts. I was born into a family of poverty so I know what it’s like to do without or be told no when in need of help so I’ve struggled with asking knowing the feeling I gives you when denied but this time it’s different. On the night of January 27, a group of men dressed in black came out of nowhere and tried to rob a elderly lady. They were brutally attacking her. I grabbed my gun and ran to help her. I found myself in a fight with 4 men who were getting the best of me. I reached for my gun and that’s when my life changed. One of them shot me. The bullet severed my spinal cord in two. I layed there knowing I was dying and knowing I was paralyzed. That’s when everything turned white. I woke up 3 weeks later in the ICU with machines pumping air into my lungs and I looked to my side and there was my mom. I couldn’t help but to start to cry. I had just turned 22. I had two daughters at the time. One 7 and the other almost 1. What would my life come to. I had a million questions in my head. While in my face everyone saying it was going to be okay. Stuff like that you want to believe and you hold onto. And I’m angry and sad because everything is not okay. I’m struggling. In all parts of my life. Financially, mentally, physically, emotionally, and health. All are crushing me and I cannot keep up. My disability pays $847 a month and that barely covers my bills let alone what my kids need. Im asking.. if there’s anyone out there.. anyone who could help me and my two daughters I would greatly appreciate it
Cashapp $DZachariah98
Paypal 8645705516 – barrowdallas74@gmail.com