Hello, my name is Laith.
I am currently a university student studying sports science. However, I am really struggling financially. I am down to my final couple pounds leaving me with enough to afford just food for 1/2 more weeks. I am working part time to try and help the situation, but I am on a zero-hour contract, so my shifts given to me are scarce, random and are not enough to keep me going. The rising prices from this cost-of-living crisis means I can only buy the cheapest food too. As a result of all this, my grades have started to take a hit. The stress and time taken trying to find work and getting in the way of my studies. If I fail university too I will truly have no where to go afterwards. I have no one else I can ask for support so please consider helping. I am a good person I often give to charity when I can on the street. However now I find myself in their position too.
I don’t drink, do drugs, smoke or waist time. If you were to help me out, I can only promise to make it pay off. There is also the next rent payment coming up next term which I will not be able to afford. If this happens, I can only imagine the debt and trouble I would get into and will then be out on the streets. I can no longer sleep at night as I am up just thinking of how I can try fix this and worrying about the future. I am getting depressed and desperate. Please if you could help it would really go a long way and I would promise to make it pay off in the future.
Any amount you can give to help would be much appreciated. But if there is someone out there who could bless me with £2000.00, that would really help put me on my feet for at least the next term.
I have no option to fail, I need to do well so I can help my family and myself, which is the whole reason I wanted to come to university in the first place.
So once again, please if you could help so that I could afford food and rent I would be so appreciative in ways words cannot explain. If you could help now, I could ace my studies and pay it forward in the future hopefully.
PayPal link = https://paypal.me/Latihals?country.x=GB&locale.x=en_GB
PayPal= laithals123@gmail.com