To whomever this plea for a help finds…
My name is Richard, I’m 40, married to a fantastic woman named Tessa and we have 3 people that we have rasied the best that we possibly could. All healthy no complications, injury, or serious illness until mothers day of 2023. A day that will never leave our collective memory!!
A peaceful morning shattered with a phone call that I wish no parent ever recieves. Smashed out of bed to the scrambled, shocked, and terrified voice of our youngest daughters best friends mother doing her best to deliver news I doubt I could deliver myself! Our beautiful daughrter Beuxy (Bowie) 15 at the time was found seizing in her own excrement, cold to the touch and blue from lack of oxygen. With no idea how long she had been in this state paramedics were called and the the madness of the day procedded along.
Upon our arrival to the hospital, we found the situation had turned to the point that she must be airlifted to the nearest Childrens hospital for more entensive care. The ER staff explianed that we should say our final goodbyes as they finished her flight prep. The tears fill my eyes just as much now as I write this as they did that day. Saying good bye to a fully intabated mess of tube and wire is Life altering, and not an expeirence I want anyone to share.
She woke up and thank the Gods that she was still our daughter and not in a vegitaive state. after 10 days of observation, no answers given, sent home only for 3 weeks later the scenario played out for a second time. diagnosis came quickly this time. Frontal lobe epilepsy, in it’s most severe form, grand mal seizures everytime.
After 3 Helicoptor rides 11 ambulences and an alergy to the typical medication one would recieve for epilepsy, we are not even 2 years into this learning and coping and dealing mode that the cost of everything especially living has crushed us!! We are financally tapped and now find ourselves Homeless, and living in a cheap hotel with essencailly the clothes on our backs. Without going into too much detail due to a pending legal battle that will eventually play itself out in court, we have nothing but eachother and the kindess of strangers and friends, that has only been able to go so far with the cost of everything so damn high. We are not greedy people and every bit helps, but I have to get my daughter into a home and not a hotel. If you can find it in your heart to help My family would be eternally grateful.
Thank you for your time.