Hello my name is Chris and I have been asking everyone to please help my wife and I we are getting more and more desperate because time is running out and I don’t want my beautiful little girl to wake up with nothing to open on Christmas day you see what had happened was we were saving up every spare dollar we had and because I am disabled and in a wheelchair I am on social security disability my income is fixed and since I also have 2 children in Maryland whom I pay child support on which comes out of my disability check I only receive $585 a month and living here in Denver Colorado $585 does not stretch very far so my wife Reanna actually went out in the blazing Hot Summer Sun and the freezing cold and snow to fly a sign to try to get more money but we and we did it we were able to save up $2000 so that we could have the best 1st Real Christmas for our precious little daughter Jessika and when Reanna went to the store to get some things for Jessika she discovered that she could not find the pre-paid debit card and so she 0ucalled to check the balance and she found out it was no money on the card and upon checking into it the other day transaction history shows that someone drained the card over a 3 day period just buying whatever they could until it was completely emptythis actually has been devastating to my wife and I and we don’t know what to do now Reanna has been crying for a week now and I don’t know how to fix it so I’m trying this because all I want for Christmas is to see my wife and Daughter smiling and happy and I wanna feel like I’m not a complete failure who can’t even provide my beautiful little girl with a proper Christmas yes I know she’s only 1 year old and she probably won’t remember much about Christmas at all but I will and I won’t be able to get the look my wife gives me on Christmas morning when Jessika Is Opening 2nd hand toys for the Goodwill because that was all we could afford since all the money we had saved up was stolen from us by someone we allowed into our home BC we saw. She. Was hungry and homeless so we felt bad and tried to help her only for her to turn around and steal our Baby’s Christmas what kind of message does that show Jessika hell makes me wanna never help anyone ever again even though we both know that we could never turn our backs on someone in need so if you would like to to help make Jessika’s 1st Christmas one she’ll never forget please do