Hi, I am a 62 year old widow, who lives on a fixed income and my home has major issues , things that need repair. One major issue is my roof of my home leaks terribly, which is causing major mold issues in my walls. I have tried to repair my roof over the past years , but I haven’t had much luck and unfortunately I am no longer able to climb up on my roof and even attempt to fix it. Because of the leaks my house is being taken over by mold. The mold is in the walls and I am worried about health issues it may be causing or may cause in the future. My floor is another issue. I have never been able to get a real floor so I just painted it. i could go on and on about issues in my own, in reality I probably need a new home or this one to be refurbished. But since I cant afford that and never will be able to afford that, I am hoping at the very least perhaps I will be able to find help at least for my roof. I have a vehicle that I own luckily because i live on the out skirts of town and it is my only means to be able to get food from town. My vehicle is getting old and is in need of repair and desperately is in need of new tires. Another thing that I will never have money for, especially this day in age. I have worked hard to survive since my husband died of cancer. I have managed to at least get this home and pay it off, and thank God I own it. Unfortunately though I have no saving and have no means to be able to keep up with stuff that needs to be repaired. We just recently had a very bad storm, so bad the rain washed out my gate and a good portion of my fence. The fence not being the best fencing and being so old it got twisted beyond repair. I am doing my best to try to salvage what I can , but I am not as young as I use to be. Having a fenced yard is very important to me because of my baby (my shih-tzu) . People don’t take care of there dogs and there are many packs of dogs that just run around loose. The fence keeps my baby safe, or should I say did. So anyhow those are the main issues I have and those issues are why I am asking for help. I try and have always tried not to ask for help, but I am no longer able to keep up. I thank you for whom ever takes the time to read this and I thank you to whom may consider helping me. I have no means to be able to repay the person who helps me, but I am a artist, well a starving artist lol but I would be more than willing perhaps to exchange some art or do some art work to show my gratitude for the help.
Sincerely PayPal.me/LORIJONAS24