- Hello, I make homemade candles from scratch. It has always been in my heart to make candles for people. I make all types of candles, but my specialty candles look like food and desserts. I need financial help. I am struggling right now, and I am a mother of six, but would love to keep my business going, but I am struggling financially. Please help, any amount will be appreciated. I love making candles for people. Sometimes I make candles for memorials and for loved ones that they have lost and every time they think of them, they can light the candle and it has the picture in it. It is truly my passion and it is done from my heart. I would love to continue the business and my daughter wants to help me with it. It would mean so much to me to get back into the business and bring my children along with me to carry on the legacy. I started the business a few years ago because I’ve always loved Candles, and one of my friends had made a homemade candle for me, and I fell in love with it, and from that point, I wanted to make my own candles and be a blessing to someone else, but I had to stop the business because of financial struggle, it is still in my heart to continue to make candles and a couple people that I have sold Candles to have asked me why did I stop but I was too embarrassed to share that I didn’t have enough money to continue. Please help me continue my dream. Every time I make my candles. It’s so relaxing, and it puts a smile on my face , I can literally do them all night that’s how much I love doing it. My PayPal information is. Blezbythebez@mail.com. Thank you so much for your consideration, and for listening to my story much love, joy, and peace to you always