Hi. I’d like to thank you upfront for even considering to read my story, and for donating to our pursuit of completing our family, if you should decide to. We are very grateful for anything even if your not donating please just send a prayer our way.. that we will be able to make this dream of being able to have a baby that is a miracle of us both come true.
My name is Meighan and my husband is Billy. I have children from my former husband but my husband has no children of his own and as his wife I want to give him that blessing of being a father. During my last pregnancy (the birth of my daughter) I was shocked by the electricity at work and it sent me into preterm labor in which I had to undergo an emergency cecarisn section. During this I started to bleed and the doctors were in a panic to get wherever the blood was coming from clamped off and once they did they ended up continuing on to do a tubal litigation.
The tubal litigation was done bc once my ex husband had gotten abusive with me during my pregnancy and I had separated from him I made the decision to have this done and signed the paperwork to have the procedure done as well. However months before I went into preterm labor I had spoken to both of my doctors and had told them that I decided not to continue with it and I no longer wished for the surgery on my tubes to be done. That I may want more children later on and they reassured me that they had put it in my charts and I wouldn’t have to go forward with the process. So I never thought about it again.
However, my second day in the hospital after my daughter was born, I was informed that the doctors that treated me (the doctors on call when I arrived at the hospital) had done the procedure and that I had previously signed the forms and they were sorry but if I wanted kids later on I could pay to reverse the surgery. I was devastated and after speaking to several lawyers, I was told that I had previously signed the paperwork for this to be done and that even though my doctors assured me that they would not be moving forward with the surgery… The paperwork was still in my file so that’s all the on call doctors were able to go by and that no malpractice was done considering I had in fact signed for it even though I had expressed I had changed my decision to do so.
This surgery is between $10.000-$15,000.This is why your reading this now.We need help coming up with the money to reverse the surgery that I was never supposed to have received.
I would like to give my husband a son or daughter or hopefully one of each. So if you could possibly look into your heart and see how important that may be to a couple and for one second,just imagine the pain in which it brings me, not to be able to make my husband happy by having his own biological children. Could you please choose to help us both fulfill this dream and help us complete our tiny family and donate to our miracle. As I mentioned earlier though a prayer in hopes of fulfilling our dream would be just as appreciated and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for just taking the time out of your day to read our story and the thought or consideration of possibly donating to help us. Your an amazing person just for that.
Thank you all so much,
Meighan and Billy
If you would like to donate to our miracle our
Cashtag is $LAcashinout
My PayPal account is
Thank you so much for everything, and thank you for being a blessing. Also if your interested and would like updates on our journey I would be more than willing to share and stay in communication with those of you that would.
Thank you all again.