Hello, my name is Tim and my parents are almost 78 years old and are both Cancer survivors. My parents are on the low income side, they have just enough money to get by. My dad Trevor has always used a indoors wood furnace, but now he is too old to keep having to cut firewood and go downstairs to keep stocking the fire multiple times a day. My dad has had skin cancer, and recently was treated for bladder cancer. He was just diagnosed with lung problems from mold. My mom Pat has had a cancerous tumor in her neck, and rececntly just had one removed from her tonsils. I am a healthcare aide looking after elderly people at the hospital in long term care. I barely make enough to get by myself. I have 2 maxed out credit cards and recently took out a $30,000 loan to invest into crypto and unfortunatley it was a scam I lost it all to the scammers and I am stuck having to pay off the loan. Otherwise I would go take a loan out myself and buy it for it them.
It will cost my dad about $8500 ca to get a oil furnace and have it installed, if you can find it in your heart to help, you don’t know how much it would mean to me .