My name is Matthew. Recently, well, within the past 3 years, it seems as if a black thundercloud has taken up residence above my head. There has been good times, that is for sure. But the bad times seem to drown out the happiness that has been taking place in my life.
It started in 2021, when I was dropping off my ‘new to me’ pickup, at the dealer service department, where I purchased the truck. As I was walking to the customer lounge, another customer, that was in line for service, suddenly accelerated, hitting me, but fortunately, not squishing me between his truck, and the large SUV that was in front of him. I ended up spending 4 days in the hospital, and am, as of this moment, am awaiting neck surgery, to fuse 4 levels of my neck. I also have severe damage to my low back, that when inflamed, causes severe pain, and my legs become severely weak, taking away my ability to walk. I am limited in how far I can walk because of this. For 3 months after the accident, I had a severe stutter. Because of the way that I was facing, and the height of the truck, my head bounced off of my shoulder, and according to the hospital physician, caused bruising in the speech center of my brain. I can speak normally, but to this day, I have trouble forming words, especially when I’m tired. For the most part, my ability to talk is good, at this time.
The VA has done quite a bit to help me through all of this, but being the VA that so many Vets know, the VA can be utterly useless through a lot of this.
As time has gone on though, My neck and back have started deteriorating at an alarming pace. I’m basically living from pain pill to pain pill. I can no longer lift even a 15 lb object, without causing new injury to my spine, or causing pain spikes that last for 2 or 3 days.
But as I said, not all has been bad.
Last year I met the most amazing, loving, empathic, generous, woman, with 2 sons. The oldest son is awesome. He’s addicted to video games, but has been amazing, helping his mom and I. Her youngest has severe autism, is non-verbal, definitely a challenge, but I love him all the same.
Due to my own stupidity, and I wouldn’t blame you for not wanting to help me after this, but I will provide complete transparency, I have gotten myself into quite the financial situation. I helped someone that I found out I shouldn’t have, and after helping him with getting comfortable in my house, (I bought him a bed, computer, tv, bike, all groceries, clothes, spending money, etc.), I even offered to move him to San Antonio, with me, so that he would have better job opportunities, and we could split the bills. I rented a house that was honestly, more than I could afford, but knowing that he would be able to help, rented it, all the same. During the move, he did almost nothing to help me, which caused me to have severe pain, while driving to San Antonio. Admittedly, I was in a foul mood, and he seemed to be pushing every button he could reach. It culminated in him trying to physically assault me, and me leaving him on the side of the highway. I haven’t spoken to him since.
Losing the income that he was going to provide, sent me into a financial spiral. I used up all of my savings in the move, and in buying window a/c’s for my new rental. And it just got worse. The pandemic got worse. My bills seemed to be multiplying exponentially, and it was then I met my fiance.
We have so many plans, but the dark cloud keeps shooting bolts of lightning into our lives. We spent thousands last year on car repairs, thousands again on home repairs, (the electric in her house, that I now reside in, is horrible!), and we continue to spend. Half of her carport fell down, just recently, onto her brothers car, and that had to be cut up and hauled away.
It just never seems to end.
I have such guilt about my life, when it comes how it affects my new family. My credit is shot. I am physically incapable of helping around the house, as of the past 4 months. They deserve better.
I have around $75,000 in debt, including the truck. I don’t expect that much, but getting a generous portion of that covered, would allow me to take care of the rest, rather quickly.
I’m a disabled Navy Veteran. I was medically and honorably discharged. I didn’t serve out the tenure of my contract with the government, but I hold fast to the disciplines and honor, that I learned. I hate begging for money. However, that is exactly what I’m doing. I can’t do this on my own. I can’t live with the way that it is affecting my new family either.
If you find it in your heart to help us, I will be forever grateful.