I would like to write you an intimate story of an extraordinary situation of why I am making a request to strangers for cash. But, truthfully, I do not have any type of medical condition with tons of medical bills and need a life saving operation, I am not in an abusive domestic relationship or any relationship actually, and although I am hoping to go back to school for Nurse Practitioner, that is also not the reason I am reaching out.
I currently am just in a bad situation in my life and honestly, just need to catch a break. I’m requesting $3,200 for rent and to finish paying my lawyer his retainment fee to help me defend my nursing license against the Louisiana State Board of Nursing so I can continue doing what I love most, which ironically is helping others. I recently resigned from my job as Nursing director of Behavioral Therapy Group Program for senior citizens because if I had not resigned, I would have been fired for refusing to discharge 2 patients. Ethically, I could not look my patients in the eyes and discharge them from a program they both need. One being a veteran and one that started the program actively thinking about suicide. The reason for discharging was because the company I worked for did not like their insurance reimbursement rate or methods of reimbursement. Medicare advantage plans and Tri-care for life are not traditional Medicare therefore, they do not want them as patients. Upon refusing to discharge because of greediness projected by the company, I was told corporate would be visiting to discuss the situation and policies. My direct supervisor said that is a warning that I’ll be let go at that time. So I bowed out and kept my dignity and my heart in the right place. But of course right after that, I get a call form the State Board about a lawsuit of a previous patient I cared for during the pandemic ( I am a critical care nurse of 13ish years) and it is going to trial. We have to retain our own lawyer if we don’t work for the accused hospital anymore. Which, if yall didn’t know, it’s not cheap. I have already paid the first $1,000 but need $2,000 more to continue representation and then $1200 would be for my rent this month while I am job searching. I really am looking for a loan and not a handout. My credit is crap though because like the title says, I really just suck at being an adult. But I do pay bills on time thanks to auto-draft.
If anyone is willing to help me out, I appreciate you and the time and thought you have given my situation. I moved to a very rural area in Texas to get a break after the pandemic so job searching is taking a lot longer than normal. I currently cannot work at the bedside due to some PTSD from 2.5 years of working in the ICU during COVID and am working hard to get past that. I really have had a shitty year but if I laid it all out you’d feel pity for me and that’s not why I am writing this request. But it has been one of the hardest years of my life and I thought that after COVID nothing could be worse. I was very wrong.
So just to summarize and recap- I am just lacking in certain areas when it comes to adulting and am now basically begging other humans of similar molecular makeup to consider helping me. Seriously, thanks to anyone for considering and reading my post whether you help me out or not. Time is priceless and appreciated.
PayPal: paypal.me/pepperonilagrange