Hello all. My name is Brandon.
Let me start by saying thank you for being lovely human beings and taking the time to come on this site and spread love to those in need. May everything come back to you tenfold!
I ‘am not necessarily facing any kind of impending doom like many others here seem to be. Infact I’m healthy, able bodied, and very ambitious.
Formerly addicted to drugs as well as in and out of the system (Never for anything Hanus). I’ve been clean now for over six months and all I want to do is become a productive member of society.
I have recently enrolled in Santa Monica college to get my general education credits and have also been taking courses online through LADWP to become an electrician. Not to mention looking for work on Indeed as well as attending job fairs and going to interviews. I work as security at a local night club whenever they need me though it’s not consistent, it is presently my only source of income.
I’m just trying to stay afloat until I can land some kind of consistent work. I don’t have any living family that I could ask to help me and in the interest of my sobriety I’ve been forced to cut ties at least temporarily with many of my friends who are still in their addiction. You could say I’m kind of alone in the world and that’s why I’m here asking you for help.
I don’t ask for much; I’m just trying to keep a roof over my head and food in my stomach. Anything helps and is more appreciated than you could imagine. Furthermore, I’am not a bum, just a man in a transitional period of his life. I fully intend on paying forward all the kindness bestowed upon me tenfold once I find my place in the world and am able to do so. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. If you feel inclined to help Thank You and if not Thank you all the same for even considering it.
Brandon M
PayPal; https://paypal.me/allabouttheanimals27?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US
CashApp; $Bmoney27788