I wasn’t very wise with my money when I turned 21 and spent too much going out with friend and doing things and I got in a good amount of credit card debt. I was able to start saving up and paying most of it off. I got together with my girlfriend at the time. We got a place me, her, and her 2 kids. I didn’t know that she was in a lot of debt when I met her. I would end up having to oh the majority of all the bills we had my son and had to move into a larger place to have room. That got more expensive. His mom also stopped working the end of her pregnancy and for a while after. That made 100% of the financial burden on me. We couldn’t keep up so I would have to use credit cards and take out small loans. She also wrecked 3 of our vehicles requiring to take out a new loan each time. We eventally split up. Then we had to get a lawyer for custody of my son. After all that I got into the plumbing apprenticship and started out making the least amount of money I have since I could remember. That made it harder. Slower I would get raises. That would lessen the burden. But then things like Covid would happen and I would miss work. Then we would ba slow at work and I would get layed-off for a month. It’s just seems like everytime I try to catch up something comes up. Whether it be needing new tires on my car or a medical bill for my son. I just feel like I’m drowning and won’t be able to come back up. I just really want to give my son a better life. He’s growing up so fast and I just want him to have a good, fun childhood. I don’t want my stress to affect him. He’s my number one priority and my reason for writing this.