It is difficult on where and how to start. I’ll begin back in 2020, our oldest son whom no longer lives with us was going to sell some shoes of his to a buyer from offer up. The met at a church, but that didn’t detour the buyer from pulling a gun and demanding my son give 4 guys his shoes. My son refused and got into his truck and drove home. The guys now knowing his vehicle was able to locate our home. The following Sunday at 2am these guys unloaded 40 rounds from a 45acp into our home and changing our lives. Thankfully not one of our 6 kids or us were injured. The post pardon however has had everlasting effects on us all. Not only us but our neighbors didn’t care that we didn’t cause the issue decided they wanted us out. So any thing they could do to get us out they did. In Indiana the health department only investigates when someone calls about a property. So now with the health department involved things quickly got worse. My sister and I were and are still on bad terms but she was co owner but never had anything to do with it we did this to protect me as my wife and I were having problems when I bought the house. This allowed her to change the email and mailing address the the government web site. I never received notices pertaining to the health department or for my property taxes. All this happening during Covid and no government offices open allowed me to not only miss all court dates with the health department but notices of taxes due. I didn’t become aware of the delinquent taxes nor my court dates with the health department. The judge found me negligent and ordered them to do a (lean and clean) on my property. With the judge ordering the clean up of large debris, tires on the ground and wood on the ground not properly stacked on pallets. And the removal of but limited to the red SUV with a flat tire. The wording of the judge was very important because the accompanying sheriff did not adhere to this order he took 4 vehicles in total and my Harley Davidson. Not only did they take everything of value they in fact left the large debris, the wood, and the tires. In total they took close to 100,000 dollars. One vehicle had 30,000 worth of equipment for a job that I had coming up in which the customer had already paid me the 30,000 to purchase which now I have lost in court so I am now obligated to pay back. I did file a grievance with the sheriffs department and the health department. The health department did find conducting their investigation that they were in fact in the wrong and they would be towing back my property however they received a call from the internal investigations from the sheriffs department stating that they could not give me back my things and said that I would need to file an appeal to get them back. With my vehicles being taken to a police recovery this could never be achieved as after 30 days the sheriffs department has a auction for any unrecovered property seized. So they auction off all my property. I never could recover I lost my jobs. Now we have lost our home in a tax sale that should’ve been stopped because I was not notified properly of the tax sale because my sister vindictively changed the mailing address for the property. Now we are staying here and there with friends. Sometimes sleeping in my wife’s company vehicle. Please anything will help and really just being able to get myself to and from jobs could change the outcome of everything. This whole ordeal has taken us from a healthy happy family to broken and lost family please help me and my family get back to healthy our kids definitely deserves better.