Dear people with kind heart
I have recently got approached by a scammer name Calista Rosalyn,she bought me in to a fake travel ratings platform, and when you hit Exclusive Travel Packages,you will have a chance to hit up to 10 ETPs,it will show negative balance,in order for you to move on ,you have to add funds to make it become positive to make commissions.I was very eager to make some money to help my daughter pay for her university,she will be going to college in two more years and I was super anxious, constantly deposit funds again and again, after I completed all procedures,my parents retirement savings of 260k,my kids education savings of 80k and my own savings of 70k all stucked at the platform,I asked my mentor Calista Rosalyn help me to request my funds back,she went missing and my account have also been banned both of my parents are over 70yrs old with critical health conditions and they are dying after they found out that I have used their retirement savings and my family is also about to fall apart,I have two lovely daughters who are 16 and 5 years old,both were also got traumatized after this disaster happened.they are no longer happy.ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜please I beg you all kindly help me to save my family financially,thank you very much for your PayPal account is :