Hello I’m Gabe, I’m 24 living in Colorado and struggling to pay my bills. At the beginning of this year I lost my job and ended up being out of work. Since I have been living on my own since I turned 22 I do not have anything in terms of savings and have basically been living on a paycheck to paycheck bases, fairly often picking and choosing which bill would effect me the least if it had to wait until next month since I couldn’t stretch my checks enough. Losing my job coupled with having nothing to fall back on caused me to rack up a lot of credit debt and fall behind on various bills to include my rent: i have temporary moved into my parents to avoid eviction because I fell two months behind and couldn’t pay so I had to break the lease. I’m trying to obtain 15000 so I can pay back what I owe my old apartments, pay off two credit cards I maxed out trying to keep up, catch up on my insurance and vehicle payments, and pay the last utility bill I owe from my apartment as well. I’m hoping after this I’ll have enough left over to have a down payment for a new apartment, and possible a little to be able to start a smal emergency fund which I can start putting money into for when something like this comes around again. Thank you if you’ve taken the time to read my story, if you’re able to help it would make a tremendous difference for me and my life. My PayPal link is PayPal.me/Gabe9903