I hope this finds you well. I am not the one who asks for help. I’m usually the one helping someone else.,but now I need help more than ever! If I get the help, I will definitely pay it forward. We should all be kind and help one another. That’s the only way I want to be.
I finally got my 2nd chance with my first love almost 4 years ago. We had kept in touch for the 28 years after our breakup, so I thought I knew him pretty good. I even drove my 2 sons to Minnesota to meet him, before moving him back to Ohio to live with us. We went fishing, boating and all kinds of fun stuff EVERY DAY when we were in Minnesota. He was so good with the boys that I thought, he’s just what they need.
The first 2 years weren’t so bad. But then the narcissist came out. Now we fight, he calls me names, tells me I’m worthless and I have to ask for permission for stuff. My kids and I can’t do anything right!
He told me last week that he HATES ALL KIDS, NOT JUST MINE!
The whole time we’ve been together, we haven’t done anything as a family should SERIOUSLY. He has nothing to do with my kids, unless it’s disciplining. His mom beat the crap out of him growing up. I want to get my kids out before this can or does happen! He’s already raised his hand at me before, which I never in a million years would’ve thought that would happen!
I tell my 13 year old all the time-this is NOT how a relationship is supposed to be! He doesn’t understand why I don’t just kick him out.
I’ve told him to leave a couple times before but he said, ” NO! The landlord will have to EVICT ALL OF US for me to leave!”
I have so much credit card debt that I couldn’t afford it on my own right now. Plus I don’t have the money for the deposit to move out somewhere else.
So I am BEGGING someone, anyone: PLEASE HELP ME. I am BEYOND READY to leave this situation!
credit cards: $12,000
Move out: $5,000
I’d usually ask my dad but he died, so I have nobody.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
I just want my kids safe and happy again.
I work a full time job and have 3 side hustles. It doesn’t give me much time with the boys but the reward is worth it.
Paypal: paypal.me/81jeanie