Today November 1st 2023, my brother and his wife lost their 3 years old son and their home to a devastating house fire. They have two other siblings who was rescued who by a neighbor. I am therefore seeking some financial assistance on their behalf. No matter how small, our family will appreciate the donation, as they were unable to save anything at all. It’s a really sad day for our family as a few hours earlier we lost an uncle to natural death. As we morn these two souls in our family the tragic death of a child in this manner has torn us apart. I just want to thank you in advance for what every little you can assist us with in efforts to provide the basic things like food, clothing and school supplies. We are asking to reach the sun if $10,000. All other funds raise will assist with funeral expenses and to aid in rebuilding of their home.
The PayPal link is as follows:
The Cashapp link is as follows:$HerMajestyD1st