My name is Jacob and I’m seeking sponsorship, donations & support from investors, towards higher education in the field of Solar Weather Forecasting so I can contribute to humanity’s safety, awareness and possible preparations if and when necessary. This topic is becoming vitally important in the immediate future.
I have 2 small YouTube channels (Jacob Of Ephraim & Solar Wolf), where I already share my (amateur) knowledge of Solar activity and its effects on the Earth’s atmosphere; such as Solar Flares, Coronal Mass Ejections (CME), Plasma Filaments, Solar winds, etc.
On my main channel (Jacob of Ephraim) I also discuss and show satellite images of strange phenomenon and technical data, including Solar Wind speeds, Plasma density impacts in cm2, polarity fluctuations on the PHI graph, Aurora watches, X-Ray absorption charts, as well as current and future Solar and Geomagnetic storm levels.
Such effects cause radio blackouts, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, increased storm magnification (tornadoes and hurricanes), satellite and GPS interruption, as well as pacemaker failures.
If Solar Flares and/or CME’S are big enough they can and will cause Satellites and the International Space Station (ISS) to enter earth’s atmosphere and this will not result in a good outcome.
Further education is required for me to become fully competent in this vocation. My upmost desire for achieving this goal is to enroll as a full-time student & obtain a degree in the Space Weather and Environment program at Millersville University. This includes, Space Radiation Analysis, Aerospace, National Oceanic and Atmospheric studies, Quantum physics involving Geomagnetism, Chemistry, and Calculus.
Further more, in achieving this goal I would be able to further the reach through my social media channels such as YouTube & Rumble; in addition to growing a business and website, working for news stations, The Weather Channel & even NASA would be ideal.
With Solar Cycle 25 approaching it’s peak and our Geomagnetic field becoming weaker, I feel there is some urgency in educating the public about these important factors.
In order to become proficient in this vocation & achieve my goal, I require the funding of $25,000 USD for classes and supplies (books, new laptop, software, etc.) and a further $52,000 USD to sustain my domestic over heads (not including car payments, rent or mortgage).
A sum total of $77,000 USD.
The specific reason why I am appealing to investors and sponsors is because this project is an investment for the betterment and safety of humanity. I also feel that this project is a vocation in which investors & sponsors will know that they’ve contributed to educating an individual of great passion in this field of expertise & who will honestly try his best to assist the well-being & betterment of the whole planet.
I whole-heartedly thank you for taking the time to read this account. May we all live long and prosper..Eye’s open, No Fear, and remember that love is the only way forward.
My Cash App is $JacobofEphraim$JacobofEphraim