Hello I am a single Mom of 2 beautiful daughters, I am a blue collar worker but have managed to raise my girls solely on my income. I have successfully put my oldest daughter through college and she is thankfully financially independent. I am currently putting my youngest thru college and need assistance to catch up with expenses that have fallen into arrears (my job cut our overtime for 2 months). I work full time with overtime every week (4 O/T days by-weekly) This usually carries us, but I am struggling to catch up. My youngest daughter is highly intelligent and has received her Bachelor’s Degree and is currently working on her PhD, (she’s too smart not to) she works (low paying job) which helps with her expenses but the bills fall on me. I have never received child support for her, so there’s no getting help there. I need $5500 to catch up and we will be able to breathe again. It is with a humble heart that I ask for this assistance and know we are not in dire straights but the stress is overwhelming, and the assistance is vital to keeping her in school. We have student loan debt and this is not an option for catching up. Anyone willing to help please accept my deep gratitude in advance and know that you are helping a young lady start her life on the right foot doing the most she can while living modestly. She is highly regarded by her Professors AND those she works with! I only want my daughters to be better than me and not have to struggle paycheck to paycheck, but want them to get there through their diligence and education. Thank you for taking the time to read my request and May God bless you in all YOUR endeavors.
My PayPal is : PayPal.me/CharlotteE021