I’m just seeking assistance to pay a few bills while I seek a job. I’m currently living with my mom. I sent my kids to stay with her with hopes that I can Doordash and Instacart to get back on my feet in September. Unfortunately, that was short-lived since my mom fell and broke her arm in October so I had to come stay with her. I used my PTO from my full-time job and followed that up with unpaid time off. I’m currently jobeless because my mom fell ill after the surgery to repair her arm. I gave up my car cause I could no longer afford the payments or insurance. I’ve applied for a few work from home jobs which turned out to be scams. The uncertainty is very stressful and I’m taking a chance with asking for assistance. $5,000 would get me out of debt temporarily and I’m hoping that I would find a work from home job soon cause I can’t leave my mom and 2 kids unattended and 4 people living off my mom’s retirement is stressful. Any assistance would be very much appreciated.
Zelle- sta.toney@gmail.com