I am a 52 separated/divorced mother of one child, that is 26 years of age. As soon as I married, everything went down hill, literally. Knew him since I was 14 years old, I saved money since I was 7 delivering 1000 flyers and catalogs, twice a week. I did that job until 13, then I started working in a bakery for a couple of years, moved to work the Customer Service Desk/Post Office at Zellers, then ended up eventually taking an office manager/legal assistant job with my boss that was an older gentleman that was an accomplished lawyer who also had other businesses such as owning buildings and renting out space, was a Trucker for a spell, etc., that collected old cars, ran the family farm and kept care of the books, distributing it accordingly to family (rented out homes and land), took care of all family members from grandparents to great grandchildren. He was also was very close to his brother, Very Reverend O. Olekshy, Ukrainian Orthadox, and his daughter and grandchildren, he also became like a second father with family to me. His best friends were The Honourable Allan Wachowich, former Chief Justice of the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta, Harold Smith of Harold Smith Travel, and oh so many more from that generation … always came in to “have a meeting” on most Fridays, smoking cigars and having their whiskey. His wife was amazing, and I lost them both in 2003 and 2004, I am so proud that they were so kind. I had also started working for a partner in a firm full time when RO semi-retired. I ended up having a breakdown at that firm, due to stress of mom ill, Dad slowly getting ahlzeimer’s, and I was ill as well and trying to figure it out, going and helping my cousin take care of her mom that was dying of cancer, who had just lost a daughter to the dame thing, taking care of my baby, chores, and finding out my ex was sleeping with my mate at work. Actually, I was told I did not have a breakdown, I was ill, overworked, and treated like a dog, do you have anywhere to go … I said no, my child, my animals, my house that only I put money into (he brought debt), I felt broken. I put him out the morning it became more physical and insulting than normal, in front of my daughter and her friend. I ended up with black bruises on my body, and a soft ball on my head. Sold the house and he was gleeful, all his debt was paid by my money I put into the house, and he wouldn’t talk of alimony, and would not pay child support as per the guidelines given he was making so very much more each year. He paid a hundred here and there, and I was on welfare disability which he made fun of in front of our child, kicked me when I collapsed on the floor, in front of my daughter, and he didn’t file income tax for 14 years … didn’t want me to find out how much he made. I got sicker, he told my daughter I was just lazy, and she should do as she wants and she did. We don’t even talk, and it is still hard as bills are so high making so littl
I also have to take my brother to court, he has hated me always, just never showed it in front of mom and dad, I never told anything after he molested and threatened me (he is 6 years older). He was worried, forced me out at 17 because he needed to save money, I didn’t, and so on. At 33 I found out through a letter that I was adopted, did I want to meet my birth parents, I was in shock. Mom and dad were hurt, they wanted me to be theirs always, different from my brother’s words. My birth mother tried to put me in the hospital, with ex, daughter, and the main brother, but my doctor told them they are cruel and need to leave me alone, I know what I am talking about as she has known of the abuse since I was 16. I couldn’t ever tell my folks or they would die, as I was told as a kid and it stayed with me sadly … I just never wanted them hurt. He changed dad’s Will to delete me and include his wife, I was not a family member he told me, just someone that needed taking in. I was picked up by my folk’s the day after I was born, and they loved me, brother did not and did something to me, it just never ended. I let him have all if I could have the home that mom and dad promised me, but now he is wanting me out on the street as he wants to sell. I have to finally deal with him, I couldn’t before, then I was kind, then hated because I was adopted and literally wish death upon me.
I am ready to deal with them, but haven’t been able to save a thing, plumbers, electricians, all because he wanted to get the cabin renovated from mom and dad’s to his first, I can live with it … but I can’t, I need to deal with the problems. Then the bills add up due to it, my little old car, just everything, and I don’t get seen for a disease the doctors think I have until December. That’s alright given I had a heart attack 12 years ago, and following the covid shot, I had a double sstroke .. just a mess.
I don’t expect anything really, not sure if I am beaten down so far that I don’t see, but I need help to start the process if possible. I am so sorry for asking, and we can arrange for me to pay you back, as I am unable to even get a loan … was told yes today, then no, I don’t know anymore. There is much to the story, and if you ask I will tell you, it just hurts and they still bother me, because they know I can’t afford anything so I can deal with them accordingl
I know I need three thousand to complete the divorce, and some to pay the stack of bills, but I can hopefully save some when I get alimony and child support going, and pay you back. You are very kind to just read this, there is so much, and it’s ugly, I am so sorry
I thank you again for reading the same, it means alot.
I am to put my PayPal link here: PayPal.me/CindyDiepenbroek