Hi there,
Thank you for taking the time to read my story and considering lending a helping hand. I am honestly not one to ask for help and can always figure something out, but I am exhausted and cannot pick up one more job. I am seeking relief of $6,000 dollars to pay for two months’ worth of expenses (November and December), which includes rent ($ 2,500), light/gas($120), internet($120), phone (60), and necessities such as detergent, toilet paper paper towel, basic groceries ($200)—enabling me to use my paycheck, which is not much now, to clear up the debt hindering me from adequately managing my finances.
For 7 years, I stayed at a job paying me the minimum because they paid for my education. I picked up odd side jobs and one overnight job (7p-7a) that leaves me running on 4 hours of sleep maximum! For the past two years, I’ve worked 20-hour days, 6 days a week, while going to school and shuffling children the best I can. I understand someone may have it worse than me, so I try not to complain and do what I can when I can. BUT it is only so much one can take before they break, and to be frank, I am breaking. I realize I am a functioning depressed individual, and my children deserve a better mother.
In the spring of 2023, I graduated with my master’s in Management, and in July 2023, I landed a pretty sweet gig that will allow me to manage my finances and be home for my children more often than not. Then why ask for help? I still maintain 20-hour days 5 days a week, to keep the roof over our heads. I accumulated enough debt before life started to turn around, which has me drowning. The most recent event was check garnishment from previous backed-up rent during COVID-19 when I had to uproot my young ones before I could be evicted because then I would not be able to rent any apartment in my state. The garnishment has also caused me to voluntarily surrender my vehicle because keeping a roof over my children’s heads is more important to me than my discomfort of traveling an hour and 45 minutes to get to work on public transport. Since they are not bussed to school, they will have to walk this winter, but again, that is the least of my worries. While I can go on and on about how many things have set me back, I hope this is enough to give you an idea of my struggle, need, and reassurance that I am seeking relief this one time because I genuinely feel I am out of options. I am doing my best to make a decent living to one day do the same for someone else.
My pay pal is – paypal.me/drayat6