The girl that I thought was my soulmate my life my everything. Breaks my heart after being married for 25 years I catch her cheating try to get her to tell me who this person was she wouldn’t tell me so I told her if she wouldn’t tell me I wanted a divorce. If you want to keep this person a secret then go ahead and I don’t want to be around so we end up getting divorced you know after the divorce we’re still you know interacting with one another and still sleeping together and then one day she asked me to reset the mileage in her car she leaves me in her car by myself well I start going through her GPS come to find out she was cheating with my little brother. She has his work address in her car on the GPS the day before Valentine’s Day so what do I do I confront her she has the nerve to tell me that she doesn’t know how the address got put in there she’s the only one that drives her car and she doesn’t know how his address to his job got in there come on I was born at night but not last night you know. So I start doing a little digging trying to find out things putting two and two together so one day I asked her when they started cheating she still wants to claim they never did but you can’t explain to me why the address is in there so I throw a curveball at her. Since you won’t tell me I want to get our son DNA tested you would think she would be like yeah do it make yourself look like an ass. I tell her that I’m going to pick him up from school and we’re going to go do this and might call my brother and tell him to meet us up at the DNA place she tells me you better not get him out of school he’s testing an I better not get him out so am like blah blah blah so I tell her that’s fine I’ll pick him up after school so have him ready I’ll get there about 3:30. Get there he’s not answering for my phone calls she’s not answering my phone calls she ends up checking him out of school out at noon and driving to my daughter’s house. I don’t know where she’s at she’s not answering me. my son’s not answering. I decide to park in her driveway and I waited. 7 hours go by she wants to pull up like nothing. my son walks to me an I ask him where has he been. He tells me that she said nothing to him about me an him doing anything. So she ignores me when I start confronting her why would she would hide them from me so I’m just so lost I don’t know what to do. Trying to raise $6000. I heart goes out to anybody that helps…Thank for helping. Cash app $HopelessLove78