If ever there was a promise that, when made, we hope and pray to GOD that we never have to fulfill, it would be the promise that is made when one accepts a close friends invitation to become a God-parent to their children. Having to keep and fulfill this promise means that some type of tragedy has befallen the parents in this family and you now take on the role of parenting.
In December of 2021, two weeks before Christmas, I lost my best friends, Eric and Maria, and two beautiful, 3 y.o. twins, a boy and a girl, lost their parents. (I have purposely decided to leave their names out of this request). Now, I will LOVE, CARE and RAISE these children, MY children with all of my being and as much as I wish I could say that our lives have been absolutely grand and without want, I can’t. These past 2 1/2 years have been so difficult physically, mentally and spiritually. I was a bachelor, never married and with no biological children of my own, to say this has been daunting, for all 3 of us, would be quite the understatement. I want to provide a better home and a better life but our biggest hurdle are the medical treatment costs. One of my twins was diagnosed with Autism and the treatment costs, being exuberantly high, has been one of the biggest challenges in our lives and, unfortunately, this financial burden will be with us for quite some time, if not, for life. In my adult years I didn’t have to struggle with finances as it was only me that I had to care for but, as we all know, life has a way of changing things. Having to write this letter and ask hard working, good-hearted individuals for help is so out-of-character for me that I feel I am committing some type of grave sin, not to mention the toll it takes on ones pride and ego. However, what I have come to learn is that my character, pride, ego and any other self serving delusion, is that they all now become a distant second to the lives of my children. They are my first and foremost, my precedent, my reason for living, they are my EVERYTHING, and if, for some reason, this request should fall by the wayside, then, that’s ok, we will trudge on. I have a family now and I will do anything and give everything within myself to make sure they have the best life this world has to offer not because it’s what I want, but, because that’s what they deserve.
If you are not able to contribute financially, we will be more than happy to accept a spiritual donation in the for of a prayer for our family, that will be more than sufficient.
Thank You.
@michaelchristian7 (Paypal)