Hello all,
My name is Eddie age 28 and I’m not usually the one to find myself putting my problems out there and asking for assistance. I am the type to try many different ways to fix something myself and not give up. But until recently I have felt that way. I want to tell you a little bit about my story so it makes sense as to why I find myself now in this position.
Covid got me.. as it has with many others. I lost out on my very good job working in a restaurant and meeting many great people along with networking. That closed down and never was opened up again so I had to find new work. I came along what I originally saw was a Perfect company for the time. We specialized in medical air sanitizers and would go door to door with masks on to be safe and show people how it could benefit them inside their home to prevent their family from getting sick. We did great and helped lots of different families. Our individual office then wanted to expand and make to move down to a different state. It was picked to open up in Clearwater,FL and it was far away from where I lived. I originally had declined to go with them but couple weeks go by and the owner reached out to me and wanted to meet up when he was back in town. I was offered a management position along with company stock and a good weekly salary that would have made up for choosing to move to the new location. I was impressed and of course agreed to make the move and continue my work with them. Over the course of a few months, we had grown our workforce and I was involved in the interview/ hiring/and training process. It was great.. (but I ended up not getting my stock option) even after asking about it. My weekly pay was not getting any better and would at times be less than I had made when I was starting out with the company. As a manager and being responsible for many parts of the operation day to day. I needed to take off some time to start looking for a new rental to live as my lease was coming up, and the company vehicle popped the radiator right before. It was then said that was caused by my fault and my last weekly paycheck of $1300 was withheld and never given to me in order to do the repairs. (not fair, not my fault) I successfully landed a new place to stay and in the time it took to do that, the owner had closed down his location and moved back to where he was from. Leaving me along with one other co-worker that didn’t have any other option but to open up our own operation (I really loved the product and the help we would bring to the consumer) So we partnered up together to continue on. But a year of low monthly sales just we’re getting us by just enough to be able to keep the doors open. Recently two Hurricanes came past our area and the communities around us really took a bad hit. Homeowners were not able to prioritize our business versus repair work for their home. Two months ago, I decide that it is time to part ways and needed to make more money. I couldn’t keep up with my low personal bills even. I fell behind on my rent and ended up being kicked out of the place I had rented and still owe them money, about $10k in back rent. My credit cards are maxed with just the cost of everything going up just in order to live.
I moved in with a girl I know just to start trying to get back on my feet and even with all my experience and great work history I can not land a new job in this market. I am not from here and far away from my home where my family lives. I get to visit maybe once every other year. I feel bad about not being able to get my life back on track even after trying very hard to put my resume everywhere and to expand new skills to be marketable. Now to the scam..
I was looking for work just some simple scrolling on the job site, I find a work from home data entry position and apply for more info. The recruiter reached back out to me and onboarded me into the system (little did I know this was a task scam) I started doing my assignments and a week goes by and I get paid out money into my account. Definitely not near the amount that was in the job posting, but when I asked about why the pay was less it was because of my training week and that my next week would be full pay as long as my work is complete and I submit in. The tasks then needed me to pay multiple times to fill the negative amount the balance would go to each time. I start getting confused on how work that I am supposed to be paid for I am paying each time for. after sending in a total of $5k I had enough and realizing I would never be seeing that money ever again I stopped “working” for that company and I’m sure they already have rebranded and moved on to the next group of people to scam under new cover. I can not get those funds back since it was all through crypto and there is no recovery for that. I have asked my mom who is on social security age 68 just for some help with just keeping a roof over my head so she sends me a little so I can pay my rent but she can’t keep up with my debts that I have dug into myself.
I really want to help others the way I have been able to any times in my past where friends would ask for some extra money or be able to get others work when they were asking me for any ideas. In my positions in the past I have dished out loads of good deeds never to be returned but that wasn’t in my being to ask for anything back. I had enough for myself and was able to share, little did I know that years later, my life would be in a different place to where I am the one asking for help.
My total debts are as listed:
-$10k for my back rent
-$20k in CC debt
-$8k for my car loan
-$5k scammed crypto
-$15k in business debt
I am struggling just to keep my monthly amount paid and speaking of going bankrupt I just can’t fathom.. It is a lot, more than -$50k in money that I owe just to be back at $0 before I even can continue saving and going back to the position where I enjoy being able to give to others that I meet that are in need.
I would forever be grateful to any amount someone is able to give me while I am continuing to look out for more work for myself to earn my way out of this hole I am in. I pray for blessings 🙏🏻
Thank You!
God Bless