My name is Bianca Ortiz. I am a single mother of 2 girls. Currently, I have a full amd a PRN job. Unfortunately its not enough lately. I live in apartment that is overcrowded and unsafe. Its all I can afford right now. My teenage daughter attends a private school, completely paid for by Scholarships she earned with her art. She is a junior..and works very hard to keep her grades up, for the scholarship requirements. She also works after school at Panera. Her father left us, many years ago and relocated out of the country. I was given sole custody, for reasons of abandonment.
My oldest child is 24, and currently lives with me. Her father recently passed, very unexpectedly. She was evicted from her apartment in January and has been dealing with the loss of her father. She suffered a head injury about 6 years ago. She was in a boating accident and was left with some residual trauma. She has been trying to deal with the PTSD since then. She works and does her best. I think its best for her to stay with me for a while. She has had enough loss lately.
As for my recent financial issues, the cost of living has tripled and the recent loss of health benefits has been an issue. I have some chronic health issues that if left untreated, can be life threatening. The stress over that past 4 months has been incredible. I have lost 20 lbs since Christmas. All of my bills are past due and my car has been hanging on by a thread. I hate being in such a terrible , desperate place. Its embarrassing. This isnt the life I wanted for us. But I am doing my best. The stress has started to affect my work amd people are noticing. I dont sleep much, but ofcoarse I will keep going. Keep working..keep praying for a change. I have researched side hustles and that is my next step. I will use the skills I have to start an online business, since I cannot split myself in two and physically work anymore. I just need a little help to get over the hump.
Thank you for your consideration.