Hello my name is Esmeralda a single mother of 4 children, 2 of which are adults and living on there own . Two Boys 14 and 2 I still provide for and my mother who stays with me which she is retired and about to get knee surgery. I was and am the provider for my household up until a few months I was working for a company as a customer service Manager and made enough to pay my rent and bills with no problem. I also had my own car and my mother helped watching my 2 yr old when i worked. I suddenly got really sick where I was having chest pain and fever and aches I had to go to the e.r and was diagnosed with having covid and the flu and symptoms of phenomena. I had to stay there a day and was started on antibiotics for the phenomena. I was giving 3 more days excuse to be out.
While I was at home 2 days later my 2 yr old gets sick and my boss tells me I have to go to work I told her I still had a fever and was not well and now my son was sick she didn’t care told me covid wasn’t that serious and I needed to go to work …..so I did. I was still weak from having both virus and I told them I was going to pass out while there and they said well we don’t have any more managers and walked away while I was shaking and sweating. I called owners daughter and told her I was going back to the hospital and taking my son with me because now he was sick.
At the hospital we both were diagnosed with covid and flu as I tell my boss this she saying she is tired of my games and to get to f*** work I told her she could not talk to me or treat me that way and because I was still sick and didnt go to work i got replaced and let go. It still took me a whole another month to recuperate and get my strength back in total 2 months to feel ok to be able to work and nobody was going to watch my son having covid and flu. I currently talked to some attorneys that have accepted my case because of the FMLA Laws that were violated.
However because of my boss firing me I’m currently 2 1/2 months backed up on rent and bills. This situation that was unnecessary left me and my family in the verge of being evicted. I’ve tried to look for a job and i was doing pressure washing for like 2 months and the day of the hurricane someone broke into my car stole the pressure washer that was lended to me so now I owe it and later that day I went to go try to sell some of my clothes and was in a car accident and now I have no car and was not able to continue working because now i had no vehicle. I hate to even be asking anyone for help because I’ve always made a way to have me and my family taken care of unfortunately I’m in a deep whole and have no funds to get out and don’t know where else to turn because I’m so backed up. I spoke to the landlord and its why she has waited for me to get the money for the rent but she cant give me more time. I still owe some of September ,October and now November. I’m broke without a job and now a car . If anyone could please find it in your hearts to help with anything Thank you so much and I would be so grateful and may God Bless you in abundance for being so kind in helping me and my children get out of this whole. .
my cash app is : $ChinaMc31