My ex, the father of my 2 kids is a police detective for our city and was abusive. I moved out a month & a half ago and since then, the amount I put down for the security deposit has caused me to get behind on my other bills. My ex refuses to give me any financial help, even though our kids are on my health insurance too. He is very adamant that I make enough money and he shouldn’t have to give me a dime, even though he makes about $40,000 a year More than I make. Also his expenses are less than mine, his mortgage is half of my rent. His house is in a worse neighborhood than my apartment and rent prices are outrageous unless I go live in a bad neighborhood. I tried applying for cheaper apartments but couldn’t get approved because my ex refused to be a landlord reference. The only reason I got into this apartment is because I had a coworker lie and pretend to be my landlord for a reference.
If I can somehow get the funds that I paid for my security deposit, I will be caught up and worry free being able to focus on my kids without added stress.