My name is Erick Redmann. I am a 53 year old man with one son who is now 15 and an older brother. More on him later.
This June I was diagnosed with bleeding in my brain. I was told that a craniotomy needed to be perfomed. That is where they remove a section of your skull to access your brain. This needed to be done so they could “clean up the bleeding.” The other problem is I had a mechanical heart valve. How is this a problem. I had to be on blood thiners. I was informed that due to the blood thinners I would need to have a bio heart valve put in. The reason for doing this is because if I stay on the blood thinners it could worsen the brain bleeding. The problem with that is taking me off the blood thinners could cause a clot to form on the mechanical valve and that could end up causing a stroke. So the surgeries were done and I came out great.
You can imagine that with a brain bleed they needed to take many CAT scans and MRI scans. I had many up to and many after my surgeries. They informed that it looked like I had a stroke after one of the surgeries. The area it has affected is in my vision center. I have lost most fo the left perifrial vision in my left and right eyes.
You will never guess what I have been doing for work for the last 5 years. Did you guess driving? You guessed correctly. The doctors informed me I should not drive. I agree with them. I can barely walk around with out running into people, signs and posts. My employer has been great and trying to find things for me to do. How is this a problem? I went home for a few weeks to recover. I have been back to work for about a month now. They are not able to keep me on as a full time employee so I am now part time. This is not bringing in the money I need to be able to afford rent and other necessities.
As I stated above I live with my brother. I stated earlier I had more to tell about him. He was born premature, this happens all the time no problem. Not with my brother. When he was coming out the birth canal his head was squeezed and cause brain damage. This has cause some learning disabilities and cognative issues. He is doing great healthwise. He has worked since he was a teenager and continues to do so. He is limited to the types of jobs he can do and not many of them pay that great if yo u can imagine.
It has been about two months since I have been out of the hospital and we are running low on funds as you can imagine. I, my brother and my son would greatly apreaciate any assistance you could give.
Thank you,
Erick Redmann