My name is Lisa Combs and I’m a 55 years old, receiving disability benefits for a few health conditions. I’m single, living alone in an apartment which I am able to afford with the assistance of the housing choice voucher (formerly section 8) which pays the bulk of my rent. My monthly payment is about 1200.00 and with rental assistance I’m able to have maintain stability and decent living conditions. I’ve had my rental assistance for 5 years now and am currently going to lose my assistance in the next month due to a previous bill of 8200.00 I have with the Lexington housing authority for an apartment I signed a lease on but couldn’t afford to pay the deposit and move in. Eventually it was advised of me to have the utilities turned off and that’s what I did. My son had possession of the apartment key but never turned it back over to the housing authority and while in possession of the key there was an problem caused after the utilities were turned off and the pipes burst. Because I was still in possession of the keys I was therefore still in possession of the apartment and the charge was 8200.00. Therefore if any money is owed to any HUD agency you aren’t able to receive any housing assistance from any other HUD agencies as long as you have a balance. So it was a much needed blessing when I got approved for the housing choice voucher. I assumed it didn’t apply to the current voucher program I was in. It hadn’t been an issue for five years because it didn’t come up or it wasn’t checked. In order to keep my voucher I have to pay in full the $8200 or make payment arrangements with the housing authority and neither of the two are doable. 1. I don’t have $8200 to pay in full and 2. The housing authority does not make any kind of payment arrangements. Basically my housing assistance is all but lost . I don’t have any other options or anyone I can ask for help. I don’t even know if I’ll be allowed to keep my apartment without my housing assistance and if I can stay the rent will be the majority of my income and it’ll be at least 8-10 years for me to pay the $8200 off and be able to get some sort of housing assistance again. I’m just seeking any help, assistance of any kind and whatever help would be greatly appreciated to either get down the balance or pay it off. I’m thankful for any assistance provided.
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