I want to tell you my story. I am in my late 50’s, working and struggling to stay afloat. I received an eviction letter from my landlord and also notices from my gas and electric company threatening to turn me off. I am scared of becoming homeless.
I was taking care of my Mother who was diagnosed with dementia, I had to take a leave of absence from my work, to take care of her. She could not be alone. Sadly towards the end, I had to put her in a nursing home. I could not give her the proper care she needed at home. She passed away not too long after. Dementia is the most horrible disease to watch anyone go through and puts a toll on the caretaker.
Due to her illness, she fell behind with her rent and utilities. I decided to permanently move into her place. I went back to work and did my best to pay off her back rent and utilities. I put in any overtime that became available and worked any side job that I could. Three months ago, I woke up and was blind in my right eye. I went to the hospital, and they gave me a CAT scan to rule out a stroke and then sent me to Will’s Eye Hospital. I was diagnosed with a detached retina and needed surgery. I am out of work again and I am behind 3 months in rent, $3300. I owe $600 in gas and electric. I have been applying for loans only to be denied. This is getting me so frustrated, not to mention the stress that it is causing. I desperately need $3900.00. I don’t know what else to do. I can’t be homeless. I even called every number that social services gave me for help with my back rent and utilities. I found out that there was no help for me there either.
My surgery went well, they had to put a gas bubble behind my retina. so it could reconnect to my eye. It did and my eyesight slowly came back. I am legally blind in that eye, I lost some vision permanently in the center. I would be so grateful if anyone could help me out. i want to thank you in advance for reading my story and helping me out. My cashapp is $Wasting4time and my paypal.me link is VICTORIA Massie@Massie764.
Thank you.