My name is Virginia. I am searching for $4000 to help me pay back my rent so I can continue to live in my competent place. As such, I have fallen severely behind on rent and am now facing the possibility of eviction. I am a 28 year old woman living by herself with little to no family support here and not many friends. I work a full time job but my hours have been massively fluctuating as of late due to cancellations with my clients. I work with child in the field of ABA. I am also a grad student that is trying to finish my degree. There is a lot on my plate and it has become increasing stressful and bad for my mental and physical health to have this hanging over my head. I’ve tried to get loans but I don’t make enough annually for them to be willing to consider me for a loan of this size. I came into this situation rather suddenly and I’m panicking at this point. I unfortunately had a massive problem come up with my vehicle which cost me almost $2000 to fix and that are through all of the savings I had and unfortunately meant I missed my rent. It is me and my cat and I really don’t know what will happen to either of us should this eviction go through. It absolutely terrifies me to think I might go back to a situation like I unfortunately had to live through in high school except this time I don’t have a friend who would be willing to take me in. I would be forever grateful and overwhelmed if someone would consider helping me. My PayPal link is @Vai1996 and my cashapp is $vmr3fb