I live in a small town where their is only a hand full of jobs that would be hiring. i was working in a restaurant as a cook and was fired. during this season there wasn’t many places hiring because they had already hired their crew for the season. a convenient store by me was hiring i applied however they didn’t call me back till after a month by this time i had left my town to Colorado Springs to find more work. i was able to have a friend of mine pay my rent for that month which i would have to pay back once i started working, so due to my work history of security for 11 yrs in nyc i figured id applied for corrections, someone suggested it to me because of the experience i had, so i did, however, its a waiting process for the job and may not be able to start till the end of the month and after i start my first pay would be after the first month. while i was in Colorado Springs i was doing some freelancing with Door dash to make some cash for my rent and my storage in nyc only made $150 before going back home. so I’m behind I’m on my rent on the 10th the fee will be added and behind on storage also i have all my valuables in storage and i really don’t want to let it go to auction i have till the end of the month to pay it. once i get this job in corrections I’m planning to make that trip to nyc for all of valuables. I own my mobile home its just the lot rent I’m behind on. Social services worker told me they only offer leap assistance until march so that out of the question. And because my town is so small there isn’t many services they offer here. if anyone could help i would be very grateful from the bottom of my heart.
my cashapp is $joelle69luvkindli