This is new to me, as I am usually someone who does the donating. My spouse and I have decided to go our separate ways, and while it is amicable, I’m coming away with very little. I don’t need much. I work full time and have my own business where it’s going to pick up this summer. I’ve got a new place to move into but I’m struggling to comfortable cover rent in my current place for one month, the deposit, first months rent, and all new furniture. On top of that I’ve offered to put on a benefit for my great aunt who just got through breast cancer for the second time and is struggling financially. I don’t feel comfortable or right pulling out of that. So now I’m just in a tight spot for a month or two until i can get it turned around. It took me a year of therapy to even end my marriage because i hate confrontation and would rather be unhappy than have a hard conversation. So i know i should be proud of myself for making life changes for myself and for the better but it’s hard to see past the stress of figuring this all out and feeling comfortable. As i mentioned, i dont enjoy doing this and I know other people might need the money more than me, and ill definitely pay it forward, but I really could use the help. Anything helps. I’m just shooting for a couple thousand dollars. Thank you for reading and thank you even more if you help me out. I appreciate it more than you know.