I have an injured pet (cat) my dog is also having complications unknown cause as of now but should be seen by a vet. As well as a housing issue. I’m a single mother of a four year old. I have been on disability for an auto immune disease for six years. So I’m on a fixed income. Working a regular job is not an option for me any more. I have been renting and have been in the same place for six years. I can no longer keep up with my bills /rent. My rent is due on the 20th of every month I only have half of that this month. I currently am behind one month with two of my bills and will not be able to pay the water bill this month which will then make it a month behind as well. I had my water turned off last month but I was able to get that one caught up and turned back on. I’m nervously awaiting an eviction notice from my landlord. I’m drowning financially and have no where to turn to. It’s beyond embarrassing and I’m so scared I’m failing my son and I wish nothing more than to be able to work full time again and to be healthy for myself and for my son.