Hi my name is Corey I’m my mom’s caregiver I quit my full-time supervisor job at Delco plastic except for she got a divorce to move in here and take care of her year after year she got worse and worse I was asking my sister for help but she refused considering that her and her fiance gave her a car that’s considered totaled and unsafe to work on so we can’t even get it fixed for her truck that probably would have lasted us but we’re stuck between a rock and the most hard place the last thing I want to see considering I’ve been homeless multiple times in my life is my mother homeless when she had a house given to her by her mother when she died but during her marriage her husband took out a mortgage a home equity loan which goes to the upkeep in your value of your house which stipulates that you’re not supposed to spend it on anything but that and he did he took his 1970 Chevelle completely restored it to a value appraised at during the divorce 48,000 exactly almost the same amount as the mortgage go figure he got the Chevelle the $10,000 camper the $18,000 side by side the $12,000 Kia my mom got her house that was given to her before their marriage even so and got stuck with the loan he’s free and clear I’m working for my life services it’s a state-funded agency that pays family members the bare minimum they could possibly pay them to take care of their own family considering how much a nursing home or Care facility would cost they only allow me for shc which is like chores cleaning up 10 hours every two weeks and PC which is personal care 23.5 hours I was working 10 more hours on the cleaning but I had to drop my wages because of my insurance dropped me and I take medicine I can’t just stop taking so I had to take a pay cut of $150 off my paycheck just to get insurance because our bills are so much our taxes are so much food is so much water is overdue electrical is overdue we have disconnection notices on both foreclosure notices from the bank and her State Grant she got to improve the home a long time ago wrote her a letter saying if she don’t straighten on her taxes she’s going to have to pay out back the grant in full and I’m stuck in a spot where she needs so much care that I can’t get any other part-time job to get another income but yet they won’t pay me anymore she gets $800 for disability and $300 for maintenance from her marriage my income is 425 every two weeks we both only get $20 each for food stamps or we did I don’t know if we got her anymore we’re really struggling and my family isn’t the type of people to help they make things worse and try to destroy you over try to help you this is why I’m reaching out to complete strangers which I’m not asking for money if money comes great I’m helping for resources or a way to help me because every resource I’ve came across like I came across what are utility bill program to help you pay your water bill that doesn’t have any funds left and by the time I seen the thing for to help you pay off your taxes last year it was too late their funds were gone Excel energy is not willing to work with us at all they say if we miss one payment it’s it’s connected and we need to miss a payment somewhere that’s why we’ve been like not paying the water bill you know not paying the water bill the electric’s been way overdue trying to catch up on these taxes from when he left her high and dry before the divorce because her divorce took 4 years she had no money, I’m a proud person I don’t ask for help very often I am very desperate for any kind of help I know if my mother loses his house it will kill her I’m almost positive in her condition…. If I had to put a dollar amount on it I guess I’d say 2,500 to 3 Grand would square us up but we’re still left without a vehicle so it’s damn near impossible for me to get my disabled bomb anywhere or get food or whatnot I live in a small town where transportation isn’t that available.