Dear Begging Money,
My husband passed away 5 years ago. Since then, everything has gone wrong with my house that is over 60 years. There is no central Air. And, because the walls are not insulated, the heat I get from my portable radiator does not keep my room warm for a long time after I turn it off. I cannot afford to keep it on all the time because during the winter months my electric is $300.00. That is a lot of money considering my house is only 740 square feet, with two bedrooms. During the other months I pay an average of $60 a month on electric bill.
I am disabled and received Social Security Disability. And I do side gigs to help keep up with the repairs of the house. But the house beyond repairing and it is getting expensive for ne to keep patching it up.
My bathroom ceiling has fallen in, part of the kitchen ceiling has fallen in and part of the living room ceiling. The roof is leaking. I was told that it would cost me approximately $10,000.00 to put on a new roof. I cannot afford that. The leaks have gotten so bad, I opted to put blue tarp on the roof, three months ago which cost $1800.00. It is only guaranteed to last six months to a year. The house is also termite infested. They have already eaten off one of my bedroom doors.
I am really Begging for help from Begging Money to demolish my house and if possible, help me to rebuild. Even a substantial down payment would be appreciated, so my mortgage payment could be low.
I thank you for considering my situation and finding me an eligible candidate to receive help from Begging Money.
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