I am a Senior Citizen just short of 60 years old. On July 25th of this year (just a few weeks ago) I had a Stroke. This made it very difficult to use my right leg and my right arm. So, as you can imagine, walking was extremely challenging. Filling out all the forms at the hospital and doctors’ offices made me feel like I was back in 3rd grade learning how to write in cursive.
I went to Glendale Adventist Hospital Emergency Room and had a myriad of tests administered. After various types of Cat Scans, MRIs, X rays and blood tests, it was determined that my blood pressure was extremely high, my blood sugar was extremely high, and that I needed to check into the hospital for further observation.
The following morning, I was visited by the Neurosurgeon. He verified that I had stroke. He said that I was very lucky because if the stroke had happened 1 or 2 millimeters to the right, it would have been in the language area of my brain. I would not have been able to talk to him or anybody else.
Due to the cost of the Hospital stay with all the different tests, as well as prescriptions, and various Doctor visits afterwards, I have mounting bills that are substantial. I have Health Insurance through my employer, but the deductible is quite high. I am working on getting Short Term Disability through EDD, but it is a complicated process with all sorts of paperwork required. For weeks after the stroke, I was not up to the task of being on the computer and dealing with all of this. My wife is not computer literate, so she was unable to assist me with these matters. Even when I do start to receive Disability payments, I know that it will amount to a fraction of my regular pay. Unfortunately, due to various things that have happened in the last few years (like the Pandemic), I am carrying a great deal of debt. Receiving a fraction of my regular pay is going to make it difficult to maintain timely payments. I have worked very hard to keep a good credit score.
By the way, regarding my Wife, she had been on FMLA (which was Unpaid Leave) for about 2 months when I had my stroke. She was on leave because she and her sister were taking care of their elderly Mother who had Alzheimer’s and various other physical issues.
My Wife had to take a couple of extra weeks of FMLA just to look after me. Her Mother finally passed away a couple of nights ago and we will need to contribute to final expenses.
So, I am trying to raise at least $10,000 to cover medical expenses, gaps in pay, and all the other things that are hitting us right now. I really appreciate the generosity of the individuals who contribute to this site.
Please keep in mind that I consider myself very fortunate to have had this stroke. What?
My stroke was just serious enough to get my attention but not so serious that I will be permanently disabled. I decided, when I was in the Hospital, that I would rehabilitate myself and become stronger and healthier than ever. My progress has been incredible. I am not only doing this for myself and my family, but because I want to set an example for Middle Aged People and Senior Citizens I made a promise to myself and my Maker (or the Universe or however you like to look at it) that I would help others by setting a positive example and eventually, donate to charities and those in need…just like you donors on this are doing.
I simply need a little help to get over this rough spot.
My PayPal account is
Thank you in advance.