To All Of The Kind People Taking The Time To Read This Post-
My name is Gary, and I am in very desperate need of some financial help. My wife and I were always honest, hard workers working as many jobs as we needed to in order for us to keep up with all of our bills and expenses. Then she began developing some health issues which gradually got worse and worse. She suffered from shattered discs in her back which forced her to not be able to work anymore. About a year later she was diagnosed with a lung disease (Sarcoidosis) which caused her to live with only about 50% of her lung capacity. About 5 years later she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, which affected her speech as well as weakening her arms and legs, so she was extremely limited in what she was able to do for herself. Then a few years later she was also diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease, which gradually put her in a wheelchair as well as beginning to do damage to some of her organs and led to her heart developing Atrial Fibrillation (AFib).
I was her sole Caretaker for almost 25 years. I was forced to retire from my job about 5 years ago as she was to the point that she needed 24-hour care. She stayed positive and fought for a long time but eventually the diseases as well as all the medications she was on broke her body down and she recently passed away.
We had to use our own money to pay for all of the things that insurance would not cover including medicines, medical equipment, special food, etc. I charged things on credit cards as long as I could. Because I had to quit work to care for her, I had to start using savings and retirement funds to live on. After she died, I have been continuing to live on savings and retirement funds. I am 70 years old, and although I have been looking for employment, few places are interested in hiring someone of that age. I live in a small town in a rural area and there are not that many places to look for work anyway.
Needless to say, my funds are depleted. I still have close to $10,000 in back medical bills to pay off. In addition, I have rent, car payment, utilities, etc. that will be coming due and my Social Security covers less than half of these expenses. I am in need of about $5000 to catch up on this plus an additional $2000 per month to help out until I can hopefully find some kind of work to bring in some needed income.
I would be extremely grateful to anyone who would be willing to help me out until I can get myself back on my feet. Thank you very much!