My husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 Liver & Colon Cancer September 2023. We lost his income and have gotten a little help from Disability. Our lives spiraled out of control and beyond me working a full-time job and tutoring on the side, bills continue to pile up with no end in sight. I’m afraid one day our home will be taken from us and the collectors will take everything we have. As pathetic as this is, I want to thrive and not be stressed with the time I have left with my husband. We have been together since 1997 and I cannot honestly think about losing him. My stress should be on what we can do together and not how to live day in and day out. We’ve sold items in our home, but it just never seems to be enough. As a Christian, prayer has really helped lead us into a life of gratitude. But being able to thrive would feel so much better than just being able to survive at this point. He deserves better and our family does too. My daughter is 17 and is waiting to do all the things a senior does in her final year of high school. The idea of losing her dad is too big. Any help would be appreciated. Sharing our story, providing a donation, and prayers are all welcome and appreciated. The world was created for us to stand alongside others in the best and worst of days.
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