Dear kind and generous souls,
Every morning I wake up and thank the universe for our blessings and send a prayer to my fellow humans for peace, love and good health. I believe in the goodness of humanity and feel it deep in my heart that there is someone out there who will help us.
Who are we? My husband and I are in our early 50’s, happily married for 25 years (together for 33 years) with two university aged kids. We currently find ourselves in a dire situation related to our finances. My belief is that we were prevented from a far worse scenario (me becoming a widow and our children losing their amazing dad) so I willingly surrender to having to lose our house and becoming homeless if it means getting to live life with my husband for many, many more decades.
In June, my husband had been having chest pains and expressed his fear of dying early from a heart attack like his father. It didn’t make sense to me because we have worked hard to create a happy, stress-free, loving life. A week after the ER visit, my husband informed me that he had slowly put us in a 5 million dollar debt over the past 12 years because of bad timing of certain business decisions and the downward fast spiral of debt load. I was in charge of our finances on the home front and was thinking we were on the verge of a debt free life in a year. His news came as a complete shock to me. My husband’s biggest fear was that our marriage would end immediately when he finally shared the news with me. The chest pains and visit to the ER helped him realize he needed to crack open and stop carrying the burden on his own.
He grew up in a scarcity mindset home as his dad brought the family to Canada in his middle age and was never able to re-establish himself financially. My husband worked extremely hard as a young man and eventually was accepted into the field of dentistry. In the last 23 years, I can count on one hand how many days of work he missed. He is the hardest working individual I know. His childhood wounds caused a deep shame in him as he never had enough as a child and this led to him to overcompensate for me and our kids. Never saying no or telling us that there wasn’t enough being earned on the backend. He was depositing the same paycheque each month while taking on loans to ensure our needs were always met. We have raised our kids to take joy in the simple pleasures such as quality family time. My husband has always insisted that our kids have ‘bills’ of cash with them so they should never feel lack. I feel that he also felt a sense of entitlement to buy whatever his heart desired to make up all that he lacked as a young child.
The day after sharing the news, I felt a divine knowing pass through me that we were prevented from him dying of a heart attack. Immediately my shock and despair turned into gratitude. I would never leave my husband as he has a heart of gold and is the kindest human being. It hurts my heart to know he was carrying such a massive burden on his own for so long.
We both have been on a path of spiritual healing and learning about our childhood wounds. As we become whole I am learning not to play small anymore and gaining confidence in my infinite potential to achieve my huge vision of helping heal humanity in a meaningful way. Since becoming empty nesters last fall I have begun working on a business idea with great potential. This current situation has lit a fire in me and increased my faith in myself that I can make the idea come to fruition. My husband is learning that his insatiable appetite for material things was due to feeling lack his entire childhood. As we address these wounds, we have developed a deeper and more meaningful connection as husband and wife.
I have had a folder on my desktop labelled Billion in which I have a list of people that I meet randomly or are in my circle. I write a vision for each person on how we will assist them with gifts of abundance to help remove blocks from their life. How interesting that I now find myself in need of the same. The universe works in mysterious ways! I believe strongly that we will achieve our vision but we need help at this moment in time to allow us to re-build our wealth over the next 10 years.
The spiritual journey of healing within has helped me endure what would have broken me in the past and instead has taught me to live moment to moment and focus on the miracle of each breath. What I ask of you is that you find it in your heart to help prevent a decent, kind-hearted couple from losing everything we have worked tirelessly for over the last 25 years. The lessons we have gained from this experience are not lost on us and it is exactly what we needed from the universe to help us align on what truly matters. We are on the same page with our desire to pay your generosity forward and make a meaningful difference in the lives of others just like us. It is what invigorates us.
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.
With immense gratitude and love.
A wife, mother and future entrepreneur