Hello My name is Terrance and I am a dedicated father of four children, 22, 17, 9, 7 seeking assistance with my financial situation due to the events that took place over the last 15 months. It started last year when my wife of 3 years and I had an argument. We had been having marital issues for a while now and in Sep of 2023 an argument escalated into a domestic violence situation and the police were called. She was arrested and released the next day. I thought we would be able to work things out, even starting counseling. Everything seemed OK at the time, but I came home from work one day 2 months later and all her things were moved out of the house and she just left. I still have not heard from her since that time. That was hard enough to process on its own. Also around that time my oldest daughter went missing and no one knew where to find her. That was scary because at 16 years old she was diagnosed and has suffered from schizophrenia and manic depressive disorder since. At the time she was living in San Diego with her mother who was also not aware of her whereabouts at the time. So after exhausting everything I could do in Arizona I drove to San Diego to see if I could find her. I did not find any clues or information on her whereabouts until December of 2023. She was found in jail. She got involved with people that took advantage of her mild nature which ended her up in that situation. When she was released she stayed with her mother in San Diego, until her parole could be moved to Arizona where I live. While in the process of dealing with those events, January 2024 my IT job of 5 years at Charles Schwab did away with my position so I was out of work. A few months after that while attending an event with her mother, my daughter was at Mesa college in San Diego. At that time my daughter began having an episode where she was hearing voices. She approached her mother and was told to go outside and get some air. A couple of minutes later there was a commotion outside where people were running outside and when her mother went to check it was our daughter…. she had jumped from the 4th floor roof, taking her life. Her death has broken me in ways I did not know existed. Her 3 siblings brother(17), sister(9) and brother(7) also have been having a difficult time and are not handling it very well, particularity the younger two are breaking down constantly over it. I slowly fell into a deep depression, not eating or sleeping for days. My family helped and supported me as best they could but are no longer able to assist financially. I got to the point where I was completely lost and could not function. It was difficult for me to even get out of bed since my daughter’s death, sometimes not leaving the house for days. I have used all my savings and have fallen behind in all my bills. I am just now getting to the point I can begin to pull myself back up, knowing I need to be there for my other 3 children because they still need me. I have been applying for jobs but nothing yet and as such have had to take out multiple loans just to make ends meet. I am seeking assistance with my Rent which is now 3 months behind($10,420) and am now facing eviction in Dec. In addition to scraping together for basic needs all my bills and loans are behind at this time. I am in desperate need of whatever assistance is in your heart to give to assist me so that my children and I do not end up homeless this holiday season. I am appreciative and eternally grateful for any assistance given.
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