I am a single mother of 3 (one child being 3 years old recently diagnosed with autism) located in the Los Angeles area. In November, I fell down the stairs and sustained an injury that required me to have surgery on my leg. I broke my tibia, fibula and displaced my ankle. I was left unable to walk for 2 months. I was laid off from my job prior to the fall during the writers/SAG strike and I have been struggling to find work ever since. Shortly after the fall, my husband of 6 years left me and my children (while I was recovering from surgery and still unable to walk, nor properly care for my 3 year old). In February I began physical therapy and a week after that I received a call from my Landlord stating that they were selling the home that we rent from them due to them getting a divorce. (I can’t make this stuff up) I had been using the last of my savings to pay rent since I now have the burden of paying for everything myself and that left me without much money left to pay off items on my credit needed to put myself in a better position to move or with anything to show in my account so that a new home or apartment would accept my family and I. Three weeks after finding out that we had to move, my daughter was diagnosed with Autism. I have interviewed for 6 positions over the last few weeks and was not hired for anything. I have applied to over 2,000 jobs and have at least 85 versions of my resume in my Google docs and 37 different cover letter templates. I am doing everything that I can to find a job and resources for my family. Some suggested this site to me so because I have less than 2 weeks left before I have to move and I am now desperate, I thought I would give this a try. It is my prayer that someone or some people will find it in their heart to donate to my cause. I know that there are many people in this world who are suffering now and I promise to pay it forward when I get off my feet (literally and figuratively) but these last 4 months have been HELL and I am praying for help and hope. My family needs a home. I am seeking enough help to give us at least 6 months in Los Angeles. It is my hope that I will have a steady job before then. I want to work. I need to work. I also need food, clothes and shelter for my family and I and the need is emergent. Six months would be approx $50,000 Thank you. I am including my CASH APP info and Pay Pal –
Cash App – $Msmishabee
Pay Pal – paypal.me/Dash322