I hope this finds you well. In Feb. of 2023, I lost my full time job. I was able to find another job within a week, but then I lost my second job 9 months after I lost my full time job. About 2 months ago, I was able to find another full time job closer to where I live, so I wouldn’t have to spend so much money on gas but I still need another second job to help with bills. I’m still looking in that regard. Up till this point, I’ve received 2 eviction notices but I was able to pay off the rent from the fist one. However, I’ve spent all my retirement and have taken out too many loans to keep up with the rent. I’m just asking for some help to catch up on rent and the loans I’ve already made. In order to do this, I need $15,000.00 to catch up.
I’m a 53 year old male who has no family but I feel like I’m starting to panic a little bit. I’ve also asked and received help from my family and from church but neither can help out now. I’m not sure if I qualify for help from the state. I’m trying hard to budget, but the lack of funds make that difficult. If $15,000 is too much, $7,500.00 would be great! I’m looking at other options other than asking my family and friends to see if they can help out. Like I’ve already mentioned, I’m working on budgets but I just don’t make enough money to even make a serious budget at this point. I do have an individual helping me out with that. Once I find a part time job, things will really improve, but time is running out for me. I’m not sure how much longer I can hold out and I’m afraid to mention my problem to anyone else at this point. I just don’t have the guts to tell everyone around me that things are getting worse and I’ve already made some poor choices. Maybe it’s a pride thing with me but I just don’t seem to have anymore answers. With all that’s going on, I’m afraid I’m going to have to hire a lawyer, which I don’t have the money for.
This sort of thing is shameful for me personally, because I’m still trying to find ways to make more money.
I’m a broadcaster by trade and, unless you’re in management, it doesn’t pay well for the most part. I’m going to need this money within 2 weeks.
I’m an honest person who would like to make a better life for myself. I’m just running out of gas and I’m not sure what to do. I don’t like asking for help and don’t consider myself an exceptional person. If possible, I’d like to do my part to make this world a better place, eventually.
Please help! That’s all I’m asking.
My Pay Pal account is paypal.me/BriceRL
Thank you!