I am experiencing hardship currently and trying to get back on track. I was the caregiver of my mother, but now she has been placed in a nursing facility because of her health issues.
When she was placed in the nursing facility, she did not have Her Medicaid approved at that time and it caused a balance of $3700 which the nursing facility is requesting the payment back. Trying to assist my mother placed me in a deeper situation.
I am facing an eviction proceeding which has a court date on 11/14/2024. I was advised I will have 10 days after the courting date to appeal which will give me more time to find some help in paying the $3900 that includes the court fees.
Sometimes it is difficult to get back on track when there are other circumstances arising. I am concerned for my mother and worried I will be homeless.
It is hard to find help when you need it the most. If there is anyone who has a generous heart, I will much appreciate your help. Assistance can be sent to: paypal.me/Smi724 or cashapp : linwes1987$.
Thank you for your consideration of this matter.